The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

Re: The Noodle Compound

I don't drool. 30k HP is very nice compared to the 6k I'm able to achieve on my D2 barbarian. 6k is really high.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Yeah... tank classes have 60-70K, most DPS (especially leather wearers like Roges) have 30,000K or a bit higher. That's unbuffed. Fully buffed and raid ready... I had 45,000HP & Our tank had 56,000 something. We were a Melee heavy DPS group... which presented a problem at times.

In DII terms I guess 30k comes to around 11k to 15k DII HP or so. maybe.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Dunno if I've ever seen a build with over 10k life... Atleast never one I've had. The majority of mine sit around 2k-3k after buff. Barbarians get higher, but I suppose with max life charms, and a high buff you could get over 10k.

if 30k is high average in wow...

30k = 5-7k D2
60k+ = 10k+ D2
Re: The Noodle Compound

With all of the gear you have by level 80 in WOTLK, you're pushing 10k plus before you get into top end raid gear. By the time you get to end game raiding and have all of your top tier gear and enchants on're at more than 30k easy.

If I take all my gear off... I have 9k hp.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Maybe they should create a WoW thread....or is there one allready? o_O most probably.

I actually never played WoW, but I hear it's pretty addicting :p

*posts random video*

Re: The Noodle Compound

Another point about WoW that makes it different at endgame from DII, if you're not in a guild or not part of a guld that does endgame raids, it will be much harder for you to even get into a raid to even get a shot at one boss or another. People check your gear, your experience with the particular raid, they check if you've done it before. Must raid leaders won't take random people that never did boss a b or c yet because you likely don't have the gear needed to survive, don't know the fight, and would be a liablilty to the raid in general.
Re: The Noodle Compound


My day improved, time to go talk to the boss :\

Whats the goal of killing this dude, does he drop really nice gear guarenteed, or just to finish the quests?
Re: The Noodle Compound

He's the end of the game's current storyline content. He does drop loot, and most of the time it's you versus several others rolling on stuff.
Re: The Noodle Compound

You're never "caught up" in the compound. Too much behind the scenes action.

I am. xD :D

@Korial I like Lumsk and there are some other folk metal bands whose names I simply can't remember. :evil2:

Hehe. Lumsk was pretty good. I don't listen much to Norwegian music like I said, but I do like Sirenia. :D

Re: The Noodle Compound

Okay ya'all kids, when I used to play WoW we would go around and cry for the C'thun nerf, which eventually came.

Gorny, wtfman.jpg, I haven't played in a year and you still do not have more Achi points than me.

Re: The Noodle Compound

*comes out of room for some food and water*

afternoon, everyone.

Yeah, I take 1800MGrams of medication each day (half on morning and half on evening)

Main trigger for seizures is missing lunches and sleep.

well, i hope you get plenty of both. i forget who said it (Korial?) but we def don't want you dying on us. :D :grouphug:

on a side topic, im upstairs and opened the door to my roommate's room and Steve, his cat, keeps staring at me like he's curious about something... maybe it's my netbook in my lap. /shrug cute little devil who makes me sick.

*gives Leo some baccardi razz and sprite* =)

thanks, man, but too early for me right now. maybe later tonight. ^_^


EDIT: I've always wondered... do you guys listen to music in English? (you guys = anyone not in an english-native country) I've been listenening to the mexican radio channel quite a bit, trying to figure out how people like it... Its a fricken mariachi (spelling) band, and they rap to it... I don't understand. Its annoying as hell.

wait a minute, let me get this straight.... try to, anyhows.... Minnesota has a station where they play Latino music? o_O and all this time i thought it was just southern states!

@Korial I like Lumsk and there are some other folk metal bands whose names I simply can't remember. :evil2:

hey, folk metal. stuff is pretty righteous. \m/

I would chrismafy my avatar but I actually don't know how to....I did draw a pretty evil father christmas though, might upload that. :)

maybe you should use that! :D i'll be changing to regular Gir in a little while (like, maybe a couple of weeks or so). been thinking of busting out my special Pikachu pic... MIKA, WE COULD BE TWINS!!!! LMAO!!! it'd be awesome! we should do it. ^_^

*gets some water*

*heads back to room*

playing Link to the Past and kinda doing homework.... will be having fun reading a book about a very promiscuous woman and her lovers make a euthanasia pact (yay Ian MacEwan) and kicking *** as Link. woo!

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