The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

Re: The Noodle Compound

I suck at photoshop - anyone wanna volunteer to Christmastify my avatar for me? I'll offer up 50 Compound dollars and rug immunity for 30 days, plus I'll defend you against the killer polar bear I linked to in the OTF.
Re: The Noodle Compound

And nurman, I'm glad you're OK. You must be one hell of a break dancer, though.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Sorry for the late replies. Was incredibadly busy on friday. But I'm all caught up with this thread now.

I just have a filthy mind, I'm a dirty badger. I admit it.

You and me both then. I hide it though... at least most of the time. >_<

EDIT: I've always wondered... do you guys listen to music in English? (you guys = anyone not in an english-native country) I've been listenening to the mexican radio channel quite a bit, trying to figure out how people like it... Its a fricken mariachi (spelling) band, and they rap to it... I don't understand. Its annoying as hell.

For the most part I can't stand music with vocals that is not in English. There are a few exceptions though.


I detest Dutch music, I listen to Norwegian and Finnish and I like that a lot. I like the Latino rappers :p and also I listen to some German metal.

Norwegian eh? Which bands do you prefer? :D

Looks like there's only two people....ah well! More beer for us.

That is a very dangerous attitude to have at a party. :D

You can end up becoming sooooooooooo freaking drunk that it's not even funny.

I got pretty close to that this weekend. I did have some help, but a 1 liter bottle of baccardi razz was emptied alongside some jagermeister, wine and baileys. >_> I think I had some vodka as well... I think. o_O

lol! you guys know how to throw a good one. no beer for me tho. cannot stomach the stuff. :)

*gives Leo some baccardi razz and sprite* =) :D

Glad to hear you're ok nurman. Can't have you dying on us before we get to play SC2. =P But in all seriousness, it's good to hear your got through it with only a broken controller. =)

Re: The Noodle Compound

I suck at photoshop - anyone wanna volunteer to Christmastify my avatar for me? I'll offer up 50 Compound dollars and rug immunity for 30 days, plus I'll defend you against the killer polar bear I linked to in the OTF.

What a deal!!! I'll give it a go, do you have a larger image? It works better to do it big, then scale it down.

I'm all caught up with this thread now.

You're never "caught up" in the compound. Too much behind the scenes action.

Re: The Noodle Compound

Yo Trionth whats going on, thanks man:) friday your last day of work?
Re: The Noodle Compound

Well I hope the good news is really good and the bad news is not that bad:)
Re: The Noodle Compound

Noodle... I can Christmasify your avatar... sometime tomorrow.

In other news, we attempted to down the LK in 10man last night and got so damed close but could not pull it off.

I got every fight on video.
Re: The Noodle Compound

What?! There are things in WoW that you have to party up to beat and its still hard?!

Wish there was something like that in diablo... lol
LK= Lich King?


Noodle is in the same guild i am as is Dacar.

Trionth... there are things that.... you have no chance at if you attempt it by yourself. there things that even with all of your friends along.... you still may fail...multiple times.

For reference, Hell Ball has I dunno how many HP's in Hell..

Lich King has:

17,400,000 (10 player normal)
61,300,000 (25 player normal)
29,500,000 (10 player heroic)
103,200,000 (25 player heroic)

of HP's and hits like a truck...not to mention the other mechanics of the fight that will kill you if you're not paying attention to what's going on.

Re: The Noodle Compound

This Lich King? Sounds hard...

Preview Edit (curse you mafia habit only 2 games and I'm already doing it...)

Yeah... nothing like diablo. Everything can be soloed. Easily (with the right build)
Re: The Noodle Compound

It sounds like... There was some monster in runescape before I quit. Never had the chance to go kill him. I don't think anyone can solo. I shall look up his name and post it. Runescape is lame, I know.

The Corporeal Beast

During the quest you just had to specific things, and the quest was a *****. Ran out of membership/interest in the game before I ever found people to kill it with.
Re: The Noodle Compound

@Korial I like Lumsk and there are some other folk metal bands whose names I simply can't remember. :evil2:

I would chrismafy my avatar but I actually don't know how to....I did draw a pretty evil father christmas though, might upload that. :)
Re: The Noodle Compound

This Lich King? Sounds hard...

Preview Edit (curse you mafia habit only 2 games and I'm already doing it...)

Yeah... nothing like diablo. Everything can be soloed. Easily (with the right build)

You can even google a video of the fight... fun stuff.

Re: The Noodle Compound

It looks pretty crazy... So you've never killed it? Do you lose items on death? That would suck.
Re: The Noodle Compound

I personally haven't downed him yet, as I wasn't really at the gear level needed until a month ago or so. Also it helps to be in a guild with enough people around to have to form the raid without random people or pugs as we call them.

I've come a long way... though. I can dish out some serious damage as Noodle will vouch for. I've soloed things with 200,000 HP... while I have just over 30,000 HP... and managed to survive.

@ on items, no you never lost anything on death, ever. Those mechanics are different than DII.
Re: The Noodle Compound

From what I've gathered, LK still doesn't have the insanely minuscule margin of error that M'uru had back in BC had before the 3.0.2 nerfs to boss health and buff to player damage.

Or that instance in general...

From what I gathered, pre-3.0.2, SWP was the epitome of raid min/maxing, requiring brutal class set up and raid organization, as well as each individual player pulling their own ****.

Sure, every player has to pull their own weight, but from what I've heard, SWP had almost no margin for error.
Re: The Noodle Compound

30k HP... I started a WoW guy once. Was with a friend, we killed the little rat things where you start. He had me leave the guy in some spot where you gain xp or something, and I haven't played since. So I've got a guy sitting in some building where you start, wonder if he's got a ton of xp now...
Re: The Noodle Compound

In an unrelated note, how exactly was my Realm and Class rigged up almost exactly the way I wanted it?

<=========The thing underneath Leo Leonardo III here.
Estimated market value