The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

Re: The Noodle Compound

I should be at Evil Dead the musical...

Instead I'm watching Alice in Wonderland. The new one. Thoroughly impressed. Very good movie. Still lacking the company I was looking forward too, but Leo's back, so its all good!

If I was a chick, or ***, I would bang Johnny Depp. By far my favorite actor ever.
Re: The Noodle Compound

LOL!! Trionth, i love you. i have not seen the new Alice. any good? i wanted to go see it in theaters, but then i thought better of it. Johnny Depp female fans annoy me. -.- don't get me wrong, i love Depp but because i know he is a good actor. the fact that he isn't too bad-looking is merely a plus. seriously, girls who are all like "OMG!!!1 JOHNNY DEPP IS MY FAAAAVE ACTOR BCUZ HE IZZ, LYKKE, SOOOO HAAAWWWTTT!!!" i want to punch your face inside out. XD i had a friend who was like that. very annoying. -.-

dude, i just got a whole new respect for the original LoZ. i can't believe we're cheating for it, but, dude, without it it's so hard! i had no idea about most of this stuff and just got stuck most of the time. :\

*munches on Trionth's popcorn*
Re: The Noodle Compound

oh crap, i double posted by accident, im dead!

hi Leo!

you don't need to cheat at LoZ, you can always use a walkthrough...
Re: The Noodle Compound

that is exactly what i am doing. and i have a pic of Overworld because for the longest time, i had no idea where i was going. i felt i was going mad when i played it earlier in life and i was older because i had no map!! now i kinda do. yay! the world can rejoice now. :)
Re: The Noodle Compound

when you beat it. make new game with name ''zelda'' minus the quotes for an even harder game mwahahah!
Re: The Noodle Compound

If I was a chick, or ***, I would bang Johnny Depp. By far my favorite actor ever.


Your level of awesomness increased :thumbup:

I just woke up and you guys are all headed off to sleep? This is so unfair!

*resumes one person party*

Re: The Noodle Compound

Just woke up. Had an epileptic seizure yesterday.

During the seizure I had actually ripped my ps2 dualshock controller's left stick IN HALF. :badteeth:
Re: The Noodle Compound

Just woke up. Had an epileptic seizure yesterday.

During the seizure I had actually ripped my ps2 dualshock controller's left stick IN HALF. :badteeth:

o_O remind me not to get you mad.

Re: The Noodle Compound

Just woke up. Had an epileptic seizure yesterday.

During the seizure I had actually ripped my ps2 dualshock controller's left stick IN HALF. :badteeth:



dude, that sounds pretty serious. are you ok?


i had some of the worst dreams last night. being chased by fat spiders and being in a zombie apocalypse. it was not fun. i was so sad. still am. :(

Re: The Noodle Compound


I am so tired now....been running around because I forgot my way home at 10pm and it's so cold and icy out there.

I hope I dream of zombies Leo, for some reason I always feel like it's a good omen.

Re: The Noodle Compound

*munches on Trionth's popcorn*

Always with my popcorn... *opens new bag*

oh crap, i double posted by accident, im dead!

hi Leo!

you don't need to cheat at LoZ, you can always use a walkthrough...

This is the Noodle Compound. A completely different set of rules, most important: avoid menacing rugs. If you want to stay around that is, double,even triple posting (see earlier page :D) isn't a big deal.


Your level of awesomness increased :thumbup:

I just woke up and you guys are all headed off to sleep? This is so unfair!

*resumes one person party*


Just woke up. Had an epileptic seizure yesterday.

During the seizure I had actually ripped my ps2 dualshock controller's left stick IN HALF. :badteeth:

o_O remind me not to get you mad.

No kidding, wow man...

Are you okay? I hope :\


I am so tired now....been running around because I forgot my way home at 10pm and it's so cold and icy out there.

I hope I dream of zombies Leo, for some reason I always feel like it's a good omen.

Zombies, Leo or zombie Leos? Thats scary :jig:

Re: The Noodle Compound

Yeah, noticed it today. Kinda nice :)

I'm okay, I've gotten used to the seizures already. I've only had 3 this year.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Necro, eh?

You have a time thinger on yours... that hasn't always been there has it?
Re: The Noodle Compound

I just switched it there myself, because I had SPF on my location tab. Now that I can display it on realm tab, I figured I display my time zone.
Re: The Noodle Compound


I am so tired now....been running around because I forgot my way home at 10pm and it's so cold and icy out there.

I hope I dream of zombies Leo, for some reason I always feel like it's a good omen.


no, it wasn't. it was kinda scary and i was sad. i woke up feeling sad and my whole day has been off since.

I'm okay, I've gotten used to the seizures already. I've only had 3 this year.

oh, man. that's crazy. are you on meds for that or anything?

yeah, Trionth, i noticed it too. haha, mine is so blank... :\

Re: The Noodle Compound

Yeah, I take 1800MGrams of medication each day (half on morning and half on evening)

Main trigger for seizures is missing lunches and sleep.
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