1.13 RoF Superchest Patterns

both other times were on the 'main' branch with two chests. Although they were significantly larger drops and could thus plausibly have either covered up the blue item, or just run out of strings

The weirder thing is that this all happened during the same play session, and I haven't noticed it again
I think white items are also part of superchest dropping patterns. It seems that way in LK when you compare two identical drop patterns, you will notice white items are also identical. There is one Sur pattern without any single white item (not even gold) and I got it 3 times, not a single time did I get anything white in that pattern. So, I assume there are patterns without single blue item (cause white items are also part of patterns). I've seen it here, I've seen it in LK.
Could it be you forgot to set /players7 that session?
nah it was in the middle of a 30 min block of runs

@Ailelya Thanks for the pic. At least I feel a little less crazy

@Gripphon Sure, but my understanding was that the drop went through 6? cycles and didn't stop until the first item to drop was blue/yellow. Adding in an extra cycle if it is a locked chest. With that in mind, a gigantic white drop makes some sense since all cycles could fail at dropping a blue first, but a small white drop should basically never happen.
Example Sur pattern #10 from LK from me and other player. Difference is in gold, but I'm not sure did he pick up his gold, I did not pick up mine. Compare white items between patterns. They are literally the same.

Now is it the same logic with only white items patterns or not I don't know, but I assume they are part of patterns just like blue items.



Sure, I know the 'junk' is the same. The issue is why there isn't anything blue/yellow
Well... it is possible we don't know something about how patterns are generated. I just assumed till now white patterns are also normal patterns, but I could be wrong.

Now that you mentioned some cycles, it reminds me of shrine generating. It is similar thing there, game checks 8 or whatever times for some shrine to spawn does it meet criteria needed, and if it doesn't after 8 times, it still spawns even in area where it is not supposed to. There could be something similar with chests, but don't know would that mean that white only item patterns would be just a fail to spawn regular patterns or whatever.
Last edited:
Well I'm back at it!

Outfitted my barb and did some running with him. He's much safer than my assassin, so I can pick up lots more goodies now! About 50 runs in he already paid off with a new Ohm pattern for /p7.

That leaves us one shy of the LK patters for Ohm now (Ist as well), which is pretty encouraging considering how many more runs were documented for LK. Will be interesting to see if these trends continue!

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Pul #1   Grim Shield       Hatchet          Long Sword       3 others         Ailelya
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Mal #4   Arbalest          Tir Rune         2-handed Axe     Lochaber Axe     Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #4   Demonhide Boots   Field Plate      Stygian Pike     3 others         Pb_pal
Vex #1   Antlers           Falcata          Ring             Silver-Edged Axe Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Ohm #4   Balrog Skin       Broad Sword      Devil Star       4 others         Pb_pal
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
I'm going to add another Ohm to that list. :) About 300 runs at p7 for this one.

First time updating the table, hope I did it right!

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Pul #1   Grim Shield       Hatchet          Long Sword       3 others         Ailelya
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Mal #4   Arbalest          Tir Rune         2-handed Axe     Lochaber Axe     Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #4   Demonhide Boots   Field Plate      Stygian Pike     3 others         Pb_pal
Vex #1   Antlers           Falcata          Ring             Silver-Edged Axe Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Ohm #4   Balrog Skin       Broad Sword      Devil Star       4 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #5   Bone Shield       Defender         Dragon Shield    5 others         NanoMist
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
I guess they knew I was due more than a Vex

About 3 runs later, new Gul pattern

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Pul #1   Grim Shield       Hatchet          Long Sword       3 others         Ailelya
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Mal #4   Arbalest          Tir Rune         2-handed Axe     Lochaber Axe     Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #4   Demonhide Boots   Field Plate      Stygian Pike     3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #5   Gothic Shield     Pilum            Stygian Pike                      Brak
Vex #1   Antlers           Falcata          Ring             Silver-Edged Axe Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Ohm #4   Balrog Skin       Broad Sword      Devil Star       4 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #5   Bone Shield       Defender         Dragon Shield    5 others         NanoMist
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
@Brak - Nice! Maybe there's a pattern out there with 3 high runes. Dare to dream...

Seems like the switch to using my barb continues to pay off:

Ohm #6!

That means we've now surpassed the number of patterns in LK for both Ohm and Lo! Pretty cool, considering how many more runs have been documented over there. The only other one that's close atm is Ist (5 patterns vs 6 in LK), but still very encouraging.

As I said, the Barb continues his magic as he was able to confirm Nanomist's Ohm(another triple for you Brak), as well as Grape's Um. I'm sensing a major dry spell coming to offset this burst of luck.:rolleyes:

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Pul #1   Grim Shield       Hatchet          Long Sword       3 others         Ailelya
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Mal #4   Arbalest          Tir Rune         2-handed Axe     Lochaber Axe     Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #4   Demonhide Boots   Field Plate      Stygian Pike     3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #5   Gothic Shield     Pilum            Stygian Pike                      Brak
Vex #1   Antlers           Falcata          Ring             Silver-Edged Axe Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Ohm #4   Balrog Skin       Broad Sword      Devil Star       4 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #5   Bone Shield       Defender         Dragon Shield    5 others         NanoMist
Ohm #6   Bearded Axe       Mesh Belt        Spetum                            Pb_pal
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
I clearly got the wrong triple pattern

I had a dream that there is a Jah, Cham double pattern
so it must be true

Actually getting a bit worried there arent an Jah or Cham's. Assuming there are only 3 Jah/Cham's to be found and we have 75 total HR patterns (as in LK) that puts us over 70% odds to have found one by now given the total number of HR patterns we have.

Of course we've only got one undocumented Pul drop, so we likely haven't gotten a very representative distribution yet.
Could be too that the Jah/Cham patterns aren't even present at /p7, and are instead at /p5 or /p3 or something. I'm not ready to jump the /p7 ship just yet, but it's something to consider.

As you say, it's hard to tell as our sample size it still quite small compared to LK. That's alright though, it's just incentive to keep getting more runs done. :p
Finally got around to uploading this weeks' findings:

Ohm #7

Ist #6
Um #3

Ohm still in the lead :)

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Pul #1   Grim Shield       Hatchet          Long Sword       3 others         Ailelya
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Um #3    Aerin Shield      Chu-Ko-Nu        Flail            5 others         NanoMist
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Mal #4   Arbalest          Tir Rune         2-handed Axe     Lochaber Axe     Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Ist #6   Brandistock       Preserved Head                                     NanoMist
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #4   Demonhide Boots   Field Plate      Stygian Pike     3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #5   Gothic Shield     Pilum            Stygian Pike                      Brak
Vex #1   Antlers           Falcata          Ring             Silver-Edged Axe Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Ohm #4   Balrog Skin       Broad Sword      Devil Star       4 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #5   Bone Shield       Defender         Dragon Shield    5 others         NanoMist
Ohm #6   Bearded Axe       Mesh Belt        Spetum                            Pb_pal
Ohm #7   Bone Helm         Devil Star       Great Axe        3 others         NanoMist
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
Got another Ist #5
don't have time to put up a screenshot ATM

was hoping for a Sur, but I'll take it given I only did about 5 to 10 runs
Seems the Diablo godsare pitying my recent lack of playing time. Nother Ist in about 10-15 runs of RoF
This one is new #7
probably missed some items from the screeny. Was too crowded too clean up though

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Pul #1   Grim Shield       Hatchet          Long Sword       3 others         Ailelya
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Um #3    Aerin Shield      Chu-Ko-Nu        Flail            5 others         NanoMist
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Mal #4   Arbalest          Tir Rune         2-handed Axe     Lochaber Axe     Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Ist #6   Brandistock       Preserved Head                                     NanoMist
Ist #7   Breast Plate      Silver-Edged Axe Ring                              Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #4   Demonhide Boots   Field Plate      Stygian Pike     3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #5   Gothic Shield     Pilum            Stygian Pike                      Brak
Vex #1   Antlers           Falcata          Ring             Silver-Edged Axe Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Ohm #4   Balrog Skin       Broad Sword      Devil Star       4 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #5   Bone Shield       Defender         Dragon Shield    5 others         NanoMist
Ohm #6   Bearded Axe       Mesh Belt        Spetum                            Pb_pal
Ohm #7   Bone Helm         Devil Star       Great Axe        3 others         NanoMist
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
Awesome job @Brak!

So that officially means there are now more patterns at Rof than LK (on /p7) for Ist, Ohm, and Lo.

Very interesting! I've been dabbling back here as well for the past little while, although nothing has come up. I might make a more serious push at another big attempt soon though.
Estimated market value