1.13 RoF Superchest Patterns

That's what the map should look like, though if you're lucky you might be able to get a map where monsters less consistently annoy you.
As pharphis said, the topology of the map is right.

When everyone was searching for maps earlier in the thread, it definitely did seem like monster density and placement was affected by each individual map. So if you're having trouble, you can always re-roll to try and get a more sparsely populated one.
Maybe its time I join this effort...I've got a couple of high end sorcs just sitting around.

<---goes back to the beginning to read up on builds (same as a LK runner?)
<---goes back to the beginning to read up on builds (same as a LK runner?)

I made a barb specifically for this project. Basically he teles in, howls everything away from the chests, and then loots. I also had success pre-Enigma with an assassin who ran in, spammed CoS and looted around all the dazed monsters.

I know other have had success with sorcs (TK is great) and hammerdins, off the top of my head. It really depends if you want to just get in and out, looking only in the chests, or if you want to kill the bosspacks while you're there and try to nab a Tyrael's while you're at it.

But the basic gist is the same as LK, yes. Hit as good of a FCR breakpoint as you can, get in and out fast, rinse and repeat
As pharphis said, the topology of the map is right.

When everyone was searching for maps earlier in the thread, it definitely did seem like monster density and placement was affected by each individual map. So if you're having trouble, you can always re-roll to try and get a more sparsely populated one.
To add, it is worth running a map at least 5-10 times to try to rule out any anomalies. For example, you might get a terrible monster density on 1/10 runs and want to weigh if it's worth running, but if you only give it 1-2 shots you might be losing out on a great map by being mislead.

In terms of safety, no bosspacks > random monsters always present but it ultimately depends on the placement of the monsters and stuff. I haven't really tried this in 1.13 in ages, though
@Treeharl While your map looks good, I don't see a third chest or a health shrine. That only took me like 5 or 10 rolls. :cool:

Some monsters are more annoying than others. The maggots have hitboxes that are larger than their display, so they are consistently annoying when they spawn near chests. Pit Lords have those wings that cover up everything. When Knights and Finger Mages spawn ontop of the chests, they will stand there casting until you kill them. For melee foes, what I usually do if it's dense is to teleport behind the poles and wait for them to walk up to you. Then you should have space for a TK. And if you get a map where you are often seeing bosspacks spawn on the peninsula, it's probably worth rerolling it.

For builds, if you are just going for a standard sorc, you only need lots of FCR and FHR. Ability to kill things helps if you need to pick up a rune every now and then. So either a light sorc with Infinity, or something like a Blizzballer, Frozenorber, Blova sorc etc. would be ideal. I personally wouldn't do it with another class using Enigma unless they can readily kill at p7 because TK is soooo useful.
My main thought now is to go with my lightning sorc, and stick Delirium on the merc's head...hopefully the Confuse kicks in enough for the monsters to not be a distraction. Will play with it tonight when I get home from work.
My main thought now is to go with my lightning sorc, and stick Delirium on the merc's head...hopefully the Confuse kicks in enough for the monsters to not be a distraction. Will play with it tonight when I get home from work.
Delirium would be worth trying. I'd just be worried that with Confuse triggered the monsters won't budge if they ontop of the chests
Yup, I thought of this as well. He'll also be holding Infinity, so perhaps it'll be moot when they all get toasted.
I made a barb specifically for this project. Basically he teles in, howls everything away from the chests, and then loots.

+1 for Barb. Howl and leap is great for clearing monsters off the chests.
Actually hadn't thought about leap
A lvl 10 or so + leap would just push everything to the back of the peninsula and stun lock them for a decent time. Would probably work great aside from the Knights
No one else has ever reported it from what I've seen. And as far as I know its not uncommon to have zero Superchests in RoF. I think @pharphis has rolled RoF a lot more than others here, so he may be able to tell you more.

The only reason I would suggest looking for one is because its pretty fast to find a 2 chest map. So if you're bored of runs, you can try to optimize your map from time to time. I think you'd probably be better served though to get a two chest map with a stable Health Shrine between the WP and the chests as it removes any need for potions and should be easier to find than 3 chests.
Actually, I have zero bosspacks at the wp, towards the chests. Still usually grotesques spawn at the chests and their selection scales makes clicking nearly inpossible sometimes. Usually a run takes 20 sec from what I've tested. So far I've hit 10 low runes (the ratio pul+/low runes) is usually 1:35. So 3.5 times more running before I hit a pattern.
When I rolled maps it was mostly in conjunction with LK in 1.07 so I didn't really try for a third chest anyway.

Still, should be easy to get a well or something (gem shrine?) nearby to make these runs slightly more cost-effective.
I still was a bit worried about the fact if these chests drop from act 4 (H) Chest C. Luckely I know how to mod some data to confirm that fact. So I generated another character and gave Jah runes a 98% drop from the line Act 4 (H) Chest C. This screenshot confirmed the possibility of Jah and Cham 100% from these chests! And it did gave me a good laughter. (Moddisclaimer: The screenshot is from a test and the character is not legit, The character has been deleted and the runes haven't been picked up. No item comes in to vanilla and the community)View attachment 3459
I'm p sure there's a legit pattern that matches yours. It's just waiting to be found
I was hoping for a Sur rune, but I'll take Ber #1

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Pul #1   Grim Shield       Hatchet          Long Sword       3 others         Ailelya
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Pul #1   Chaos Armor       Executioner SwordExecutioner Sword2 others         Brak
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Um #3    Aerin Shield      Chu-Ko-Nu        Flail            5 others         NanoMist
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Mal #4   Arbalest          Tir Rune         2-handed Axe     Lochaber Axe     Pb_pal
Mal #5   Amulet            Balrog Skin      Battle Scythe    4 others         Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Ist #6   Brandistock       Preserved Head                                     NanoMist
Ist #7   Breast Plate      Silver-Edged Axe Ring                              Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #4   Demonhide Boots   Field Plate      Stygian Pike     3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #5   Gothic Shield     Pilum            Stygian Pike                      Brak
Vex #1   Antlers           Falcata          Ring             Silver-Edged Axe Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Ohm #4   Balrog Skin       Broad Sword      Devil Star       4 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #5   Bone Shield       Defender         Dragon Shield    5 others         NanoMist
Ohm #6   Bearded Axe       Mesh Belt        Spetum                            Pb_pal
Ohm #7   Bone Helm         Devil Star       Great Axe        3 others         NanoMist
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
Ber #1   Giant Sword                                                          Brak
Estimated market value