1.13 RoF Superchest Patterns

Another Ist from the 3rd chest
still feels a lot more dry than at the start

Also added mir's find to the table

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
@Brak - Nice! That puts us at one less pattern than LK for /p7 Ist, pretty cool. I've been averaging a qualifying rune every 500 runs on average (although they tend to come in clumps with big dry spells in between), not sure how that meshes with your numbers but hopefully your dry spell clears up soon. :)

As for me, another Mal to add to the table for now.

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Mal #4   Arbalest          Tir Rune         2-handed Axe     Lochaber Axe     Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
I'm not counting because I think it would make me go crazy

1:500 sounds about right. If similar to LK there should be roughly 75 patterns. 65k options, two chests per run minus aborted chests would put you about there. 3 chests should give me about 1:300 with slightly longer run times (though I think my constantly bothering Cain and dropping off things in my stash is more a contributing factor).
I finally rolled the favored two chest map in Pb_pal's SS, however I've found that it doesn't always roll with two supers, but always has at least one and then another small square chest. On /p8 they really drop some nice base items I've noticed and the lower the setting nothing too remarkable drops from them. My SOP has been to tele over there beat the majority of the monsters on /p1 and then boost it up for the chest popping. Mechanically this should be producing a /p8 quality drop from the chest correct? A couple times I've accidentally popped the chest on /p1 and didn't really get squat out of it. My hero is still kinda weak, so I don't think I could manage to just tele over there with /p8 level creeps swarming. Oddly enough I've found those finger ghosts to be the biggest PITA, because they duel leech, but don't seem to do much to my mercenary. Sorry for the sort of lengthy post, but I'm just having a blast running these. The randomness of monsters and loot encountered are quite intriguing. Highest rune found so far is a Pul, but my times are pretty slow in comparison to everyone else I'm sure.
Are you sure they aren't both dropping like Superchests?
For me it doesn't matter the chest graphic. I think there are three different ones, but they always drop like a superchest.

EDIT: Got the TiaraTiara drop again
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That's correct, they have different shape, but seem to pop the same level results. Still no HR, but lots of elite goodies to craft with, which I love to do. It's a lot like gambling! [emoji2]
I will give these LK chest hunts a chance. After a felt 500 visits, I got Um at /p7 and in order to make this less of a waste of time, I will put up my Um+ finde here :)

Just having a look at what's visible on the spot might be more profitable, in spite of what I might miss, but that might influence these statistic in disfavor of huge chest drops. That means, when there are too many items to show up, I'm supposed to pick up gold, drink potions and put away as much as possible until everything has shown up, right?

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Um #3    War Fist          Large Charm                                        krischan
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Mal #4   Arbalest          Tir Rune         2-handed Axe     Lochaber Axe     Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
Just having a look at what's visible on the spot might be more profitable, in spite of what I might miss, but that might influence these statistic in disfavor of huge chest drops. That means, when there are too many items to show up, I'm supposed to pick up gold, drink potions and put away as much as possible until everything has shown up, right?
That's really up to you. Usually the duplicate patterns eventually get worked out. But it can help to have screenshots to compare so that the 'junk' from the job can also be examined.

I do worry about missing runes here because you I generally can't clear everything out.
Statistically spoken, there's no difference between the following:

- Loot which hasn't been displayed because of too much of it being on-screen
- Chests which haven't been opened
- Areas which haven't been visited
- Games which haven't been started

But still, I hate it to leave loot unexplored, chests closed or to quit a game before visiting the intended area. Even in the game in which I finally, finally, OMG finally found Tyrael's, I was uncomfortable with leaving it in order to get the character saved to disk ASAP. It's irrational.
Recently deeded my zon who was one act away from Guardian, so I'm going to join this endeavor for a little change in pace. :) Going to run this with my poor barb.
Sorry to hear about the deeded zon. I know that feeling (most HC'ers do) being so close to the end, but ending their story there.
Good luck with the RoF running!

Even though I don't really play any more, I'm still checking out this thread frequently for curiosity. I hope ROF can offer some great results like LK!
Sorry to hear about the deeded zon. I know that feeling (most HC'ers do) being so close to the end, but ending their story there.
Good luck with the RoF running!

Even though I don't really play any more, I'm still checking out this thread frequently for curiosity. I hope ROF can offer some great results like LK!

Not enticed to restart because of this thread Dry? You know you want to.
Haha. I've got enough characters (almost a Sept Sept,) and enough time playing D2. I spend most of my time away from D2 now, but the little time I do spend is on mods (mainly Median.) Since I'm so close, I do still have the itch to complete the full Sept Sept (let's just call it OCD.)

Still, I can't completely pull myself away from this forum. I may not post, but these threads are definitely still an interest to me, as is the general EMB chat.
I also leap over that strip of lava, but primarily to avoid the bottleneck/congestion of monsters on my map.

I'm at ~300 runs or so, but I'm just getting started. Nothing higher than a Ko so far.
I actually found a Pul at /p8, however I thought the lowest rune listed in the table was an Um. @Pb_pal is this incorrect should I have listed my Pul as well?
@Ailelya - Sorry, I guess I should have read the instructions more closely. English is my first language, although sometimes I wonder.[emoji2]
Ehm, it's a bit embarrassing, but I read a thread about Lower Kurast in parallel to this while I did LK runs as well and for some reason I thought this is about LK :rolleyes:

I removed my entry again (Um in /p7).

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Pul #1   Grim Shield       Hatchet          Long Sword       3 others         Ailelya
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Mal #4   Arbalest          Tir Rune         2-handed Axe     Lochaber Axe     Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
@Southpaw8668 - Looks like you figured it out, but yes Pul is included in the tables as well to keep in line with the LK thread. :)

As for me, life has gotten in the way so my running (and d2 time in general) will be more limited. I'm still going to plug away at this when I get the time though!

Got some runs in today (/p7) and managed to get these two within 21 runs of each other!

Gul #4
Vex #1

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Pul #1   Grim Shield       Hatchet          Long Sword       3 others         Ailelya
Um #1    Chain Mail        Diamond Bow                                        Ailelya
Mal #1   Bearded Axe       Gnarled Staff                                      mir

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Gul #1   Circlet          Pilum            Small Charm      -                 Grisu

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Um #2    Balrog Blade      Breast Plate     Dusk Shroud      7 others         Grisu
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Mal #2   Blade Barrier     Great Maul       Long Sword       Razor Bow        zticazzy
Mal #3   Crossbow          Jo Staff         Tir Rune         2 others         zticazzy
Mal #4   Arbalest          Tir Rune         2-handed Axe     Lochaber Axe     Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Ist #4   Battle Cestus     Blade Bow        Cedar Staff      5 others         Brak
Ist #5   Ghost Wand        Long War Bow     Scale Mail                        Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Gul #4   Demonhide Boots   Field Plate      Stygian Pike     3 others         Pb_pal
Vex #1   Antlers           Falcata          Ring             Silver-Edged Axe Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara            (Scimitar?)      zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
Sur #2   Amn Rune          Chain Mail       Full Helm                         zticazzy
RoF has just been killing me recently. Not a thing for ages

One weirdness I've had happen a few times recently has been failed Superchests. Previously, I thought it was just because I had too much junk and must have missed the blue item. I tried cleaning them up, but it wasn't worth the effort with all the minions around. But then I got this chest.

And yes, that's all that came out of the chest. This doesn't really make any sense to me given what I understand about how Superchest loot is generated. Anyone have an idea?
That's very bizarre. I was under the impression that this was not possible from superchests. It looks like that's from the third chest, not the main two, correct? If so, is it always that chest that has these failed drops, or have you seen it happen in the main chests as well?
Estimated market value