1.13 RoF Superchest Patterns

Probably because that sweet red color is way cooler. Didn't pharphis use purple, or green, or something crazy like that?

It definitely makes sense here, as the orange can easily get lost if the text is overtop of the lava. I was just curious is all. :)
@Pb_pal I was using CRM many years ago, before patch 1.13 came out and turned all the runes orange, so I didn't see the need to change. Mostly because I trained my brain to give Red runes high priority as that was the coolest colour, as @Pyrotechnician kindly pointed out. I used the following colour scheme:
Red = Um - Zod
Purple = Amn - Pul
Orange = El - Thul

I prefer the distinction based on rarity = different colour.
welcome on board @ioupainmax !

Found a second /P7-8 Ist pattern while having my second cup of coffee this morning. :)

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                    Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Ist #1   Ancient Shield   Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                      Grape
Gul #1   Diamond Bow      Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets        Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe       Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy    Ring                                               Pb_pal
Lo #1    War Staf                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown            Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                            Pb_pal
@ioupainmax @Grape
Glad to see more people joining in. I feel with three chests I should be more productive, but I'm just getting crafting runes recently. I've stopped popping the extra skull piles and hidden stash at the end of my run because I've found kamakazi'ing the last chest to be a lot faster. So hope this speeds things up.
Thanks @Grape @Brak, I doubt I'll manage as many runs as some of you guys, but I hope to be able to contribute in some way. Not a high rune but a welcome sight.
Thanks @Grape @Brak, I doubt I'll manage as many runs as some of you guys, but I hope to be able to contribute in some way. Not a high rune but a welcome sight.

Nice find! Glad to see that the MF-ing portion of these runs is having a pay-off for some as well. :) The cool thing about these is even if you don't manage the same number of runs as others, your luck may still be way better (Brak and I managed Ohm, Sur and Gul between the both of us in our first ~hour of running!). Every contribution helps!
How right you were! I just got my first and only Jah from a stash next to the WP. Time to make that Enigma, just need to figure out the best base item for my Hammerdin.
Wow huge congrats! I'm currently 1 Jah (or a Ber to cube) away from my own enigma, so I'm glad to see there are some Jah's floating around in the RoF at least. Now you just need to pop one from one of the superchests so we can add it to the table! :p
How right you were! I just got my first and only Jah from a stash next to the WP. Time to make that Enigma, just need to figure out the best base item for my Hammerdin.
Welp there goes my ability to not pop the poppables.

I've gotten 3 Ber's from LK. All of them from non-Super Chests
New /p7 Ohm pattern. Maybe there is a scimitar in there too, pretty hard to tell since monsters are easily killed around chests.

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara                             zticazzy
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
new p7 Ist

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara                             zticazzy
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
@Pb_pal I'm glad you like it :D

Running done for now. Found the first Um pattern. :)

Thinking about dumping my Singer's old Pit map in order to roll that map with three chests. Maybe after RFO or something...

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara                             zticazzy
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
How right you were! I just got my first and only Jah from a stash next to the WP. Time to make that Enigma, just need to figure out the best base item for my Hammerdin.
I would try to find an Archon Plate or Perhaps a Dusk Shroud if you don't want to go as high in strength.

@Grape - Awesome poster, very motivating indeed.
@Pb_pal - I haven't found a favorable map or any runes high enough to list.
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Thinking about dumping my Singer's old Pit map in order to roll that map with three chests.
Don't worry about the third chest, it hasn't dropped anything good yet

EDIT: actually things have been really dry recently. Just a couple skillers to show for the time put in the last couple days. If only I had a motivational poster to keep me going
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@Brak your dry spell is just about to end, I'm sure ;)

I have Lo'some news. The 3rd P7-8 Lo pattern means that we have now more Lo patterns than the same setting has in LK :)

Getting the bigger fishes is just a matter of time now... I want to believe...

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara                             zticazzy
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
@Grape - Nice on the Um and the Lo, good to see some new runes popping up and especially good to see we've surpassed LK for Lo Patterns on /p7-8! Awesome! I don't know if I'd spend too much time looking for that third chest on a map, I don't think it will be very common. That said, I'd be very interested to see if you can find one in a reasonable timeframe..

@Southpaw8668 - Hopefully a map (and some runes!) crops up for you soon, but glad to see you joining in on the runs. :)

@Brak - Shame about the dry spell, although at least you're having some finds to keep you going! I've found a few good skillers and SCs along the way too, keeps things interesting!


Finished another batch of runs and have a couple new patterns to show for it (both /p7):

Ohm #3
Mal #1

1.13 RoF Superchest Pattern Tables

[highlight]Players 1-2[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder

[highlight]Players 3-4[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder
Ohm #1   Balanced Axe     Balanced Knife   2-Handed Sword                     Brak

[highlight]Players 5-6[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1          Item #2          Item #3          Item #4           Finder

[highlight]Players 7-8[/highlight]

Rune     Item #1           Item #2          Item #3          Item #4          Finder
Um #1    Elder Staff       Gothic Shield    Hydra Skull      Sabre            Grape
Mal #1   Battle Dart       Bone Shield                                        Pb_pal
Ist #1   Ancient Shield    Brandistock                                        Pb_pal
Ist #2   Throwing Spear                                                       Grape
Ist #3   Balrog Blade      Pavise           Short Spear                       Brak
Gul #1   Diamond Bow       Dusk Shroud      Francisca                         Pb_pal
Gul #2   Gauntlets         Great Pilum      Truncheon                         Brak
Gul #3   Double Axe        Flanged Mace     Grim Shield      3 others         Pb_pal
Ohm #1   Cantor Trophy     Ring                                               Pb_pal
Ohm #2   Dimensional Blade Jewel            Tiara                             zticazzy
Ohm #3   Balanced Knife                                                       Pb_pal
Lo #1    War Staff                                                            Brak
Lo #2    Crown             Hatchet Hands    War Staff                         Grape
Lo #3    Large Charm       Ring Mail        Wyrmhide Boots                    Grape
Sur #1   Edge Bow                                                             Pb_pal
I would add, if you're considering a third chest map (which i imagine will be pretty difficult to get), the landing is quite precarious. I'd only seek one out if I had a character that can kill effectively at p8. I still have no idea what I'm going to do if a rune ever drops there.
Estimated market value