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Leap is a Barbarian skill from the Brawling skill tree. Its features are:



Leap forward and slam down, dealing 33% damage and Knocking Back (CC) surrounding enemies on impact.

Requires any complete Arsenal weapon.

Damage: Physical

Cooldown: 17 seconds

Lucky Hit Chance: 66%

Tags: Brawling


Upgrade Hub
Enhanced Leap

If Leap doesn't damage any enemies, its Cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.

Requires point in Leap.

Upgrade Hub
Mighty Leap

Enemies damaged by Leap are Slowed (CC) by 70% for 5 seconds.

Requires point in Enhanced Leap.

Upgrade Hub
Power Leap

If Leap damages at least one enemy, gain 40 Fury.

Requires point in Enhanced Leap.

Other Skills that work with Leap

The following skills either:

  • Create a condition Leap can exploit
  • Exploit a condition Leap creates
Brawling Tree
Battle Fervor
Battle Fervor

When a Brawling skill damages at least one enemy, gain Berserking for 1 / 2 / 3 seconds.

Requires point in Aggressive Resistance.


Items that work with Leap

The following items either:

  • Grant a bonus when using Leap
  • Create a condition Leap can exploit
  • Exploit a condition Leap creates

Legendary Aspects


Aspect of Giant Strides

|Resource |Reduces the Cooldown of Leap by 2.0 seconds per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 9 seconds. Hitting a Boss with Leap provides the maximum reduction.

Ring |N/A |Extraction |Barbarian |-


Aspect of Ancestral Echoes

|style="width:10%;"|Offensive |style="width:50%;"|Lucky Hit: Lucky Hit: Damaging enemies with Leap, Upheaval, or Whirlwind have up to a 44% chance to summon an Ancient to perform the same Skill.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%) |style="width:10%;"|Ancient Reservoir
(Map) |style="width:5%;"|Hawezar |style="width:5%;"|Barbarian |-


Aspect of Bul-Kathos

|Defensive |Leap creates an Earthquake that deals 153 Physical damage over 4 seconds. While standing in Earthquakes, you gain 9% increased Damage Reduction.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%) |Light's Refuge
(Map) |Hawezar |Barbarian |-


Veteran Brawler's Aspect

|Offensive |Each time a Barbarian_Skill_Tree#Core|Core Skill deals direct damage to an enemy, your next Charge, Leap, or Kick deals 3.6%[x] increased damage, up to 18%[x].

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%) |Haunted Refuge
(Map) |Hawezar |Barbarian |-

|} * Extraction means the Legendary Aspect can be removed from any found Legendary item at the Occultist. A dungeon name means the Aspect will be added to your Codex of Power as a reward after completing that dungeon.

Unique Items

There are no Legendary Aspects that affect Leap.

Changes to Leap

Patch 1.0.3, June 27, 2023