The Diablo 2 Wiki
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Viper Bosses

From Diablo 2 Wiki

Vipers are Demons.

  • See stats for regular Vipers here.

Vipers are tall, slithery, snake-like melee attackers. They have four arms and swords in each, but only one attack, which looks more like a bite than a slash. Normal vipers have a short range charging attack which the bosses never use, since they have different AI.

All boss monsters in Diablo and Hellfire are SuperUniques; they always appear on the same level and have preset stats and non-random modifiers. Some bosses (mostly ones tied to quests) appear in every single game, while most of the others are found on a particular level only if their base monster type spawns on that level in that game. There are no non-quest bosses in Hellfire's Hive or Crypt.


  • Stats are listed by Normal / Nightmare / Hell difficulty levels.
  • MFL: Magic / Fire / Lightning.
    • I = Immune
    • R = Resistant (75%)
    • - = no resistance or immunity to that element
      • No monsters in Diablo or Hellfire have any physical resistance or immunity.
  • Dlvl = Dungeon Level. The boss will be found on this level only if the base monster type spawns on that level.
  • Mob = Some bosses spawn with a mob. The number of minions in the mob generally increases with difficulty level. Minions have the same stats as normal monsters of their type.
  • IntF = Intelligence Factor. Values are from 0-3; smarter monsters will pursue more doggedly, and the value is used in various calculations. Monsters that can Follow if you break the line of sight or open Doors are marked with F and D.


DLvl Mob IntF Mlvl (combat) Mlvl (items) MFL
Fangspier (Cave Viper) 11 Yes 1 F - 22 / 37 / 52 21 / 21 / 21 -I- / -I- / -I-
Viperflame (Fire Drake) 12 Yes 1 F - 24 / 39 / 54 23 / 23 / 23 -IR / -IR / -IR
Fangskin (Gold Viper) 14 Yes 2 F - 28 / 43 / 58 25 / 25 / 25 I-R / I-R / I-R

Combat Stats

Viperflame and minions.

All viper bosses use Skeleton AI, which makes them advance into melee range more quickly than normal Vipers. Thanks to this AI, they will never use their short range charge attack.

  • Hit Points listed are for Diablo. All SuperUniques have a preset, non-random amount of hit points. Bosses have slightly higher hit points in Hellfire:
    • Hellfire Single Player: +0 / +49 / +97
    • Hellfire Multiplayer: +0 / +99 / +197
  • Attack Type: Some bosses have different AI, and behave like monsters of another type. More information on attack types can be found on the Diablo Monsters page.


Experience Hit Points AC To/Hit Damage Attack Type
Fangspier (Cave Viper) 2725 / 7450 / 14,900 444 / 1333 / 1779 60 / 110 / 140 90 / 175 / 210 15-32 / 24-68 / 66-134 Skeleton
Viperflame (Fire Drake) 3139 / 8278 / 16,556 570 / 1711 / 2283 65 / 115 / 145 105 / 190 / 225 25-35 / 54-75 / 106-146 Skeleton
Fangskin (Gold Viper) 3484 / 8968 / 17,936 681 / 2044 / 2727 70 / 120 / 150 120 / 205 / 240 15-50 / 34-104 / 66-206 Skeleton

Movement Speed

Characters walk at 0.4 speed. See the Diablo Characters page for swing speeds, casting speeds, and other useful character speed break points.


Walk time Hit Recovery Time Attack Time Hit Time
Fangspier (Cave Viper) 0.55 0.25 0.65 0.40
Viperflame (Fire Drake) 0.55 0.25 0.65 0.40
Fangskin (Gold Viper) 0.55 0.25 0.65 0.40