The Diablo 2 Wiki
The Diablo 2 Wiki archive is available for anyone looking for information on Diablo 2. All information here is pre-D2R but contains a lot of useful information that is still relevant. Updated sections for new D2R features can be found on the PureDiablo Diablo 2 section


From Diablo 2 Wiki

Psychorbs and Necromorbs are Animals.

These slow-moving, fast-shooting, hovering, jellyfish-like monsters are ranged attackers, firing colorful projectiles that deal magical damage. Like most ranged attackers, they flee when a character or golem comes close, and can be quite annoying to track down, as they shift direction frequently.

  • There are no SuperUnique or boss Psychorbs or Necromorbs in Hellfire.


  • Stats are listed by Normal / Nightmare / Hell difficulty levels.
  • MFL: Magic / Fire / Lightning.
    • I = Immune
    • R = Resistant (75%)
    • - = no resistance or immunity to that element
      • No monsters in Diablo or Hellfire have any physical resistance or immunity.
  • IntF = Intelligence Factor. Values are from 0-3; smarter monsters will pursue more doggedly, and the value is used in various calculations. Monsters that can Follow if you break the line of sight or open Doors are marked with F and D. 


Dungeon Level Monster Level IntF Experience MFL
Psychorb Hive: 1-2 22/ 37 / 52 3 450 / 2900 / 5800 --- / --- / -R-
Necromorb Hive: 3-4 24 / 39 / 54 3 1100 / 4200 / 8400 -R- /-R- / -IR

Combat Stats

Psychorbs and Necromorbs fire projectiles that deal magical damage. There is no variability in the damage of their attacks; they always do a set amount (which can be resisted).


Hit Points (SP) Hit Points (MP) AC To/Hit Damage
Psychorb 10-15 / 80-95 / 140-160 10-15 / 80-95 / 280-320 40 / 90 / 120 80 / 165 / 200 10 / 24 / 46
Necromorb 15-20 / 95-110 / 160-180 30-40 / 190-220 / 320-360 50 / 100 / 130 80 / 165 / 200 20 / 44 / 86

Movement Speed

Characters walk at 0.4 speed. See the Diablo Characters page other swing speeds, casting speeds, and other useful character speed break points.

  • Like most ranged attacking monsters, these creatures will try to retreat when a character or golem comes within 2 squares.
  • Psychorbs and Necromorbs have one of the faster firing rates in the game, thanks to their 0.60 attack time. (Succubi are 0.80, Spitting Terrors are 0.60, but they tend to run around between shots.)
  • Psychorbs and Necromorbs have a very fast hit recovery time, which makes them almost impossible to stun lock. They can usually be hit while they are trying to move away from melee attackers, though.


Walk time Hit Recovery Time Attack Time Hit Time
Psychorb 0.65 0.35 0.60 0.40
Necromorb 0.65 0.35 0.60 0.40