SPF Goals & Objectives for 2024


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2009
Happy New Year SPF!

With the blessing of @PhineasB, I proudly carry the SPF Goals & Objectives thread into 2024.

Personally, setting D2 goals for the past two years has brought lots and lots (and lots!!) of new life to the game for me. There is always something to do; an item to farm, gold to spend, items to craft or new builds to try. In fact, I sometimes wonder if I haven't made too many goals - bua ha ha. Because of this, I would encourage everyone to give it a try! No goal is too big or too small. My advice: make sure it is measurable.

If you need some inspiration, here are some links to threads from previous years:

And in this case, wikihow's tips to setting goals is actually pretty helpful! Especially:
  • Be specific
  • Make it measurable ;)
  • Be realistic (probably need to focus more on this one myself :p)
  • Write them down
  • Track your progress
With this opening, let us continue the tradition of the SPF Goals & Objectives thread! :D :D Whether you've been around for a while or are new, what better time to start tracking your goals than in 2024?
On to my ambitions for 2024!* Oh boy, here we go again :D
*tentative until further notice

Goals for 2024
1 rare tri-res pair of boots with FRW                               0/1
1 rare ring with 140+ AR, ML and one other desirable stat           0/1

Back to Lower Kurast
Rack/shop/find an exceptional/elite Cruel 2-hander of Quickness and punch 4 holes in it           1/1
New Berserker Axe rack + something else useful                                                    1/1
Sacred Armor rack                                                                                 1/1
Rack 3/3/2 Druid pelt                                                                             1/1
Rack 3/3/2 Assassin claw                                                                          1/1
Rack 3/3/2 Necro head                                                                             1/1

Missing grailers:
Doombringer                                                                                       3/1
Gladiator's Bane                                                                                  2/1
Cranium Basher                                                                                    0/1
Hellslayer                                                                                        1/1
Messerschmidt's Reaver                                                                            1/1
Warpspear                                                                                         1/1
Bing Sz Wang                                                                                      1/1
Carin Shard                                                                                       1/1
Blackoak Shield                                                                                   1/1
Stormshield                                                                                       2/1
Nosferatu's Coil                                                                                  1/1
Naj's Puzzler                                                                                     1/1

Rush 20 socket mules                                                                              27/20
Level new cow team to 99                                                                          99/99
2 GMB's from Anya Quest                                                                           2/2
Gamble away all ATMA gold                                                                         430m/577m
3 Ists                                                                                            0/3

Level racker to 94 with ritualed cows                              93/94
Rack 45 @res eth Sacred Targe                                       1/1
Find a Mal                                                          1/1

Gore Riders                                                         1/1
Reaper's Tolls                                                      2/2
Decent Ravenfrost for HF rusher                                     1/1
2 Blue Dimensional Shards for rerolling                             2/2
Reduce the # of rushees awaiting hellforge to 0                     61/61

Yearly quest for jewels of mystic power:
1001 jewels                                                         207/1001
5 Facets from Duriel                                                20/5
3 Perfect Facets                                                    3/3
12x Jewels of Carnage                                               3/12
12x Jewels of Wrath                                                 4/12
10 Runes Ohm+                                                       5/10
(Ohm 1.08, Cham, Cham 1.07!!!!!, Ber, Cham)

Fun things to look out for:
15% ED Crusader Bow                                                 0/1
15% ED Demon Crossbow                                               0/1
3/20 Poison and Bone Skills circlet                                 0/1
3/10 Elemental Skills amulet                                        0/1
3/10 Fire Skills amulet                                             0/1
3/10 Lightning Skills amulet                                        0/1
3x 12% MF Grand Charms                                              3/3
3x 40% Gold find Grand charms with prefix                           0/3
3x Eth grailers                                                     2/3
2x Perfect grailers                                                 4/2

Ormus' Robes Grail:
Ice Blast                                                           0/1
Warmth                                                              0/1
Blaze                                                               0/1
Static Field                                                        1/1

Project: Gambling My Life Savings
Finish gambling 2nd Billion Gold                                    1/1

Actually play the game instead of farm...!
Pat/Mat any 5 of the following                                      1/5
Ghost Bear
Fire/Ice Bowa.....................Check!
1.08 windforce bowa
Bear Sorc
Zeal Sorc
DTalon Sin
Wailing Daggermancer

Comprehensively Nerdy D2 Spreadsheet Project:
Add 1.07 grail to spreadsheet                                       0/1
Add 1.07 Set stats to spreadsheet                                   0/1

Spring cleaning:
Clean up/consolidate the following in gomule stashes
Rare gloves                                                         1/1
Assassin claws                                                      0/1
Amazon javelins                                                     0/1
Sorc orbs                                                           1/1
Druid pelts                                                         1/1
Barb helms                                                          1/1
Necro heads                                                         0/1
Wands                                                               1/1
Damage charms                                                       1/1
ED jewels                                                           1/1
Use all Imbue quests ever accumulated and post best results         0/1

Hopes and Dreams:
Jeweler's Tiara/Diadem of Nirvana                                   0/1
+5 Find item/BO Barb helm                                           0/1
JMoD                                                                0/1
6/40 Maiden or Ceremonial Javelin                                   0/1
50MF War Travelers                                                  1/1
3os eTomby                                                          0/1

Patch                                                     Achieved
1.00                                                      0/2
1.07                                                      6/22
1.08                                                      0/3
1.10a and 1.10s                                           0/5
1.14d                                                     0/41

Total                                                     0/70

Perfect facet!
+1 to Ormus' Robes grail!
Perfect roll!
My hopes and dreams come true!
Big +1 to perfect grail:
Another perfect roll!
silly eth grailer:


0 MF!



unexpected surprises:

Holy holy holy jesus christ!!!



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My D2 goal for 2024 is to keep enjoying the game. For me this is best achieved by keeping goals vague and unmeasurable. :)

Apart from completing the grail of steel, that is.
Happy New Year, SPF! I'll keep my goals in the "large rock" category of bigger undertakings:
  • Get my Untwinked 99er Sorc Redux to 99 (she pinged 98 in December 2023)
    • Nihl, here we come! She hits the 117 FCR breakpoint with CM (no Griffon's), so she should be able to manage >3.0M/hr, with Ancients available. So an estimated ~80 hours, without any deaths.
  • Complete my second 7x7+2 in v1.14
    • I have 4 characters in the capstone Sept (what I'm calling the Sept-Sept Sept), plus one more character to pair with the extra Paladin that I have completed.
  • Get 10,000 levels in the Murios Project
    • The Mat to finish my oSkill Sept brings me past 9000 levels, and the 7x7+2 will get me close to 9500. The Untwinked 99er would get another ~100 levels. So the next project I have in mind in v1.14 would get me across the finish line . . .
  • Host RFL and MFO
    • We may revisit two-round RFL format in favor of a RFO-style approach, but will stick with updated single-category MFO format.
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Happy New Year to the SPF!

For the next while--maybe the whole year, maybe not--I plan to shift my focus from questing new characters to making improvements on my favourite and most-played characters. This includes things like gear improvements, fine-tuning skill selections, adding levels, etc. It's a core group of approx. ten characters that I spend the most time with.

With that in mind, I have formulated some (I hope) relatively easy to achieve goals:
  • Get a Torch for every character that needs one. IIRC I need...
    • 1 Amazon Torch
    • 1 Assassin
    • 2 Paladin
    • 1 Sorceress
    • (This game keeps throwing Druid and Necro Torches at me... it's discouraging to have still not found a single Amazon or Paladin Torch in approx. 15 tries now... but I will get lucky eventually!)
  • Bring each of these characters to min. level 90. Try to go a couple levels higher if that completes the planned skill build. Three characters are there already, with my highest being fira the Fire Ball/Meteor/Hydra Sorc at level 95. Most characters are sitting in the level 85-87 range, so getting to 90 won't be too hard via Terror Zones.
  • Farm ~10 Tokens. Some of these characters are out of re-specs and I want to do some testing and tweaking of the builds. I am too attached to each of them to simply start over from scratch.
  • Revive my old thread-of-doom and write little profiles about my favourite characters, something kind of like the "Baking Cookies with Nightfish" post that is archived somewhere here. I rather enjoy reading that one.
My 2024 goal is going to be a rather simple one; stick around. I returned to D2R last year, found a legacy stash with a bunch of stuff, made one new Mat, then came back from a vacation to find a dead computer.

I ended up taking 6 months off while rebuilding the pc. Finished a few weeks ago, made a ladder toon to test the pc and had a end-game capable MF Blizz sorc in two days. Online and ladder is not my thing, so leaving that there.

Restarted from square 1 on Solo today. Nothing was salvageable from the old PC, so this is a truly fresh start.
Happy New Year everyone. @ziambe thanks for making the thread - Some impressive digging to list the old ones too! I can't believe they go back to 2007.

Goals this year are simple:

  • Untwinked 99er to 99.
    Currently at 98.4ish, should be easy but I'm playing infrequently and out of practice. Then I die and undo the progress I have made.
  • Finish yet another 2h sword sept. One left iirc.

I'm not going for more than that at the moment, biggest problem is finding the motivation to play.
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Happy New Year to all and yes @ziambe thanks for making the thread

First goal for 2024 is to find time and the energy to farm LK for Runes. I'd much rather quest so this one is always being put off.

Finish my Bladesin. I thought that this would be my last build of 2023, but the Holidays and doing Hell at P8 has slowed her down. She currently clearing the tombs in Act 2 and is level 86. So this one won't take that long.

Build at least two more Assassins. The Bladesin has gotten me interested in Assassins, so I want to try a Martial Arts build or two.

Sorc are my least favorite class, but I've got to at least make a second one.

Another Necro. This time I think a Poisonmancer.

Farm keys and do a number of Uber runs.
Happy New Year everyone!

Im going to take it slow this year, my Goals are:

  • Finish Runeword Grail
    • Technically its already fnished, have all the runes and bases, just need time to put everything together.
  • Finish Eth Grail
    • Have most of the hard staff out the way like Eth Astreons, Eth Mang Songs, Eth Deaths Fathom, Eth Templars, and Eth Deaths Web. The easier stuff is eluding me.
  • Finish 98-141 Harlequin Crest Grail
    • Always thought it would be funny to have all Shakos from 98 to 141 defence.
  • Get a 15/39-40 jewel so I can pair it with my current 15/39 and Zod and use them on almost perfect Tomb Reaver
    • What a sight to behold that would be
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GL in 2024 everyone.

As for goals, I'm simple guy with only two goals that aren't exactly realistic, but let's go:
a) Find 1.08 Stormspire

so that I can
b) retire
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Happy New Year everyone!

Since I didn't accomplished last year goals I may as well keep them for 2024:

1. I have one char as candidate for lvl 99 (twinked) sitting on 92.5~ for more than 2 years... Would like to get him to lvl 93 😳

2. Get to the tower in act1 Hell (stuck at cold plains) with my 4th attempt at Guardian, this time a single pass bowazon.

3. Get SC buriza based amazon to act4/5 NM
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  • Like last year: finish ten more characters in my "maxed skills" grail. (Five are under way. Then start and pat/mat five more.)
  • Find (or cube) half (at least 16) of the remaining 27 items that I need to complete my "single-socket items" grail collection.
I am impressed with Pavke's work on a shako grail! Maybe there's some other stash of uniques that's just begging to be collected.
  • How about all possible Maelstrom yew wands? (It can have 1-3 Corpse Explosion, 1-3 Terror, 1-3 Amplify, and 1-3 Iron Maiden skills, so 3×3×3×3 = 81 different Maelstroms.)
  • Ooh, even better: how about one each of the 191,301 possible rolls on Tyreal's Might sacred armor? 😝
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How about all possible Maelstrom yew wands? (It can have 1-3 Corpse Explosion, 1-3 Terror, 1-3 Amplify, and 1-3 Iron Maiden skills, so 3×3×3×3 = 81 different Maelstroms.)
If we put our heads together, this could turn into its own thread...

War traveler's grail with mf rolls from 35 to 50 comes to mind o_O
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I must admit nowadays I'm firmly a PoE player and only occasionally getting back to D2 whenever there's some interest in PvP.

That being said, I do have a goal and that is to participate in MFO and RFL once these come around. :) Last year I barely had time to play when these events happened.
Many of my previous goals are unmet. An unfortunate consequence of me loosing interest (explained in my reintroduction) and ghosting you all. Sorry about that.

So my main goal of this year:
  • Stay engaged in this amazing forum, or at least announce if I am taking a break.

My further goals, copied from the 2022 goal thread:
  1. Get back my Stormshield
    1. Preferably on Vahanna. It would just feel more right that way. (She lost it from str bugging it on, and loosing the corpse.)
  2. Get a Jah (or it's cubeable equivilents), so I can make an Enigma (with the Ber I found about 2 years ago).
  3. Get untwinked sept at least to NM act III (all 7).
    1. Currently 6/7 at act 1 NM.
  4. Start the Classy sept (1.11 RW themed, see here).
    1. Grind the needed 2x wispprojectors and soj.
  5. Get Classy sept at least through normal.
  6. Participate in at least one MF/RF tournament.
  7. Participate in one "restrictive tournament" (you know, the kind that summons @Grisu).
    1. Removed from the old goals. Some other year maybe.
  8. Teach daughters (who are 3 and 1 5, 3 and 0 at the moment) to imitate at least one barbarian warcry.
    1. Must find a good way to get them all as .mp3.
  9. Upload recording of above to forums.
🍻 to goal #8

4.1 is pretty ambitious! Consider quest bugging duriel by having the rushee wait unpartied outside of duriel's chamber and after kill zoning in to talk to tyrael.
🍻 to goal #8

4.1 is pretty ambitious! Consider quest bugging duriel by having the rushee wait unpartied outside of duriel's chamber and after kill zoning in to talk to tyrael.
Yeah, 4.1. is troublesome. I feel travincal should be the best place to get results for a combo if 4.1 and 2, but I cant get my sorc to kill them efficiently. Might need a map with better clustering. Definitely need to look into her gear some more as well.
2024 goal... jump back into D2R.

I've been away for over a year+. I think it was patch 2.4 that created a bunch of issues with GoMule, and at the time did not have the bandwidth to sit down and learn all the steps I needed to do to get my existing stashes over to the most up to date patch (some crazy real life things were happening).

All credit to the awesome work Silospen has done for the community over the years, and there is a lot of reading on the forums I want to catch up on, as it appears he's kept up for the most part with the newest patches.

In the interim, I did start an online summoner just to knock the rust off a bit. Although I must admit, I am very much a noob at multiplayer and am slow on the message board, lol.
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Estimated market value