The Diablo 2 Wiki
The Diablo 2 Wiki archive is available for anyone looking for information on Diablo 2. All information here is pre-D2R but contains a lot of useful information that is still relevant. Updated sections for new D2R features can be found on the PureDiablo Diablo 2 section


From Diablo 2 Wiki

Decoy is a level 24 skill from the Amazon's Passive and Magic Skill Tree.


Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Inner Sight, Slow Missiles
Synergies: None.
Details: This skill creates an exact duplicate of the Amazon wherever the cursor points. It will draw the attention of any monster nearer the decoy than the Amazon (or Valkyrie).

  • Only one Decoy can exist at once; casting a second will dispel the first.
  • Decoys exactly mirror the Amazon who cast them. If she changes equipment, the Decoy will instantly change appearance as well.
  • Decoy's hit points are based on the hit points of the Amazon who casts them. They last for the duration of the spell, or until their hit points are exhausted. They can not be healed.
  • Decoys will take a step or seem to stumble if hit repeatedly. They will also sometimes trigger Dodge and Avoid.
  • In earlier versions of the game, a Decoy's presence would allow the Amazon to fire an additional shot with Strafe. This is no longer the case post-v1.09.
  • Decoys do not receive the Amazon's equipment stats; just her hit points.
    • Decoys have no armor, but some resistance, by the following formula: Resistance = level * 4, capped at 85.
Skill Level Progression [e]
Slvl Duration

Life +X%

Slvl Duration

Life +X%

Slvl Duration

Life +X%

Slvl Duration

Life +X%

1 Mana 4.7 6 16.0 30 11 12.0 55 16 8.5 80
2 19.0 10 7 15.0 35 12 11.5 60 17 7.7 85
3 18.0 15 8 14.0 40 13 10.7 65 18 7.0 90
4 17.0 20 9 13.0 45 14 10.0 70 19 6.2 95
5 16.0 25 10 13.0 50 15 9.2 75 20 5.5 100

Amazons derive another benefit while learning to fight in the rainforests of their homeland. They learn, through misdirection and deception, to fool attacking forces into thinking there is another Amazon nearby. This subterfuge causes enemies to waste time and energy hunting down false prey while the Amazon moves in for the kill.