RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

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Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: Brunas_Revenge
Character level: 46
Character class: Sorceress
Character build: Meteorb
Game difficulty: Nightmare
Act: 5
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvM

Just got home from work and had a little spare time before going to university (7:30am) so I decided to pick up the Frigid Highlands WP in NM. This character was rushed til Act V NM, so I just lvled in Normal for a while before moving on. All went fine and breezy until the mid part of the Bloody Foothills (right before Dac Farren). My Holy Freeze Merc engaged a pack of about 8 Spear Cats (who had already managed to hit me shortly before, and those javelins hurt), as I took shelter behind the destroyed wagon, waiting for him to freeze the whole pack, or at least most of it. He was taking heavy damage, and I hurried out of my hiding spot to cast a few Orbs to lend my poor hireling a hand. All of a sudden they decided that I looked like a more appealing target, and almost all of them targeted me. 6-8 javelins hit me at once, popping DEEDS almost instantly. Had absolutely no time to react, not even drinking a purple.

Well...rebuilding in progress, Avenging_Bruna is currently clvl 8 ;) just regret about the 4 perfect gems and some very nice low lvl set pieces (Sigon's, Hsaru's, Isenhart, Sander's) in my lost stash...
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: Provincial
Character level: 86
Character class: Sorceress
Character build: Orb/tk
Game difficulty: Hell
Act: 5, Pindle
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvM

note to self: save and exit when pindle is cursed and your merc dies instantly :doh:
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: ChantedDreams
Character level: 62
Character class: Sorceress
Character build: encger
Game difficulty: Hell
Act: 5 baal
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvM

was damn happy that i finnaly got a cow opener, want to get her to c lvl 67 to get her gear on her.

when baal decided to tele on me, and mega frost wave + fire noave with -100 all res and 400 hp meant no good for her.
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

Character name: Gloom
Character level: 89.9
Character class: Assassin
Character build: Trapper
Game difficulty: Hell
Act: 5
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvM

Was doing Pindle runs, he was Cursed/FE/Extra strong. Died in 1 jaw fell off for a second.

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: Catalyst
Character level: 65
Character class: Amazon
Character build: Base vit FA/MS/Strafer
Game difficulty: NM
Act: 4
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvM

First attempt at base vit bowie, absolutly loved it altough good bows are impossible to find until late NM/Hell. Was running around with -25 LR if not lower and got 1 or 2 shotted by gloams. I learned my lesson, or did I?

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: Artemis
Character level: 66
Character class: Amazon
Character build: Base vit FA/MS/Strafer
Game difficulty: NM
Act: 3
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvM

Same build! Managed to snag a ravenfrost from Duriel, found a Hone Sudan from Durance level 2, had managed to make an insight Partizan... Stars were aligned to make her a great character.

I stalled for some levels to get some NM Meph runs down in hopes of getting a rare or exceptionnal unique bow. Died to stygian dolls in a doorway...! Could've/Should've heard them but I had removed headset to watch some videos on Youtube. STUPID! :banghead:

That's 3 chars lost in 3 weeks. Will try it one last time I think, then perhaps I'll be forced to remake her in SC(?). Character inventory is looking more and more like a graveyard.
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

Character name: Poleaxley
Character level: 89.9
Character class: Barb
Character build: Zerk Barb and Goldfinder (1600% gf+ , 400%mf+)
Game difficulty: Hell
Act: 5
Corpse looted: Yes, ty guys, you know who you are!
Death type: PvM

so this death was just plain silly. Ive been feeling pretty immortal just trouncing anything in my path like any decked out barb should when BAAAAM! deeds to the im in worldstone 3.

apparently I misclicked my hotkey and conc'd when I should have zerked (main attack) You know, the standard Zigged when I should have Zagged dealios...

a zerk, s conc (leaching) d leap , f howl , z bo , x wacry , e BC

who would have thought a millimeter would negate dozens of hours?
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Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: DeadFlyingOrb (classic)
Character level: 14
Character class: Sorceress
Character build: Staticorb
Game difficulty: Normal
Act: 1
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvM

First thing I know was that I open a door in jail lvl3, and next thing I know that I lost -160hp in approximitely one second by amp damaged archers. **** happens.
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

Character name: PeteyPablo
Character level: 71
Character class: Necromancer
Character build: Poisonmancer
Game difficulty: Hell
Act: 5
Corpse looted:No
Death type: PvM

/sigh, was trying to get a bunch of baal runs in and decided i wouldnt be safe. was scratching my head (it itched) when gloams made love to me with no lube. byeeeeeeee near perfect Death's web, ill miss you.
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: majmajor
Character level: 64
Character class: Paladin
Character build: Hammerdin
Game difficulty: NM
Act: 3 Travinical
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvM

Cause of demise: Picked up Diablo again and decided to try HC. My first hammerdin ever either in SC or HC. I was trying out my new MF setup and got too cocky. I was at maybe 5 or 600 health out of 1000 with hammers flying everywhere. Drank a health pot instead of a full rejuv and then FE exploded. Oops.
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: ParaBar
Character level: 70
Character class: Barbarian
Character build: WW MF-er
Game difficulty: hell (classic)
Act: 1
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvM

Cause of demise: Over-confidence. Was farming Andy, everything was fine & easy. Countered a pack of vampires with unique boss. No big deal - easy dudes, don't even have to check the mods of the boss! Wrong! I'm starting ww-ing... what's that green aura under my feet?... AAAAAGH! NOOO! Tens of fireball were flying in my direction, my huge life bulb dropped to zero in the middle of the ww. Well, at least i killed the boss with me.
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Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

Death Certificate

Character name: Corpsicle
Character level: 84
Character class: Sorceress
Character build: Full Orb
Game difficulty: hell
Act: 5
Corpse looted: Yes
Death type: PvM

Took some of my chars for a spin this weekend after having ignored them for a couple months. At the time 1.13 was announced a time with lots of exams came up for me, so I decided to give all my stuff to a couple friends and in various freeby games and wait it out. Just left my high lvls alive with their base gear on.

Had been doing some Meph/Andy runs with my charmless Tal's set Orbster and noticed a streak of baalruns going on in Gauss, so decided to join to hopefully get some levels in and raise the vitality on her, since her legit CtA had been given away as well as all her life charms. Not that I was having any real trouble yet, but well, ya know...

Runs were going blindingly fast and so were the dolls that popped beside me :badteeth:

1.13 here I come...
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death certificate

Character name: II-Misshappy
Character level: 54
Character class: Assasin
Character build: Trapsin
Game difficulty: Nightmare
Act: 5
Corpse looted: No
Death type: Pk/PvM

A guy came into my game, a lvl 56 sorc which I invited... I didn't expect him to be anything out of the ordinary... so I went down to kill Shenk... where he followed, and in a few seconds killed me with a fireball.

Though it must be added; karma has made it up for it :)
And anyways - when I imagine a pker, it's just too sad to get angry about.
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: DrRocKZo
Character level: 80
Character class: Barbarian
Character build: Frenzy
Game difficulty: NM
Act: 5
Corpse looted: Yes
Death type: PvM

Running priv runs with a friend and while he's setting up cows I venture off to mf meph and baal. Was a tank untill I caused damage to myself. GG Iron Maiden.

B aka VigintiTres
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: poq
Character level: 23
Character class: Paladin
Character build: Zeal/Holy Fire
Game difficulty: Normal
Act: 3
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvM

was walking to mephy, hoping to finish ancs by tonight on my untwinked holy fire din, got swarmed by dolls, and for some reason i zealed , RIP
RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: kriegcSaram
Character level: 33
Character class: Druid
Character build: Elemental/Summon
Game difficulty: Normal
Act: 5
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PK

Cause of demise: Reached level 33 by finishing ancients, then I decided to make my own baalrun server. At some point a lvl 80+ necromancer came in, and I told him to leave, and he did. Then probably some of his lvl 41 amazon friend came to server, and TPPK'd me. He said it was because I was too "paranoid" about the necromander, and wanted to get a revenge. I complimented him for killing me and left.
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: YeOldVainamoinen (classic)
Character level: 29
Character class: Barbarian
Character build: Singer
Game difficulty: Normal
Act: 4
Corpse looted: No
Death type: Lagomania 2k9

Just doing regular CS run with a friend of mine to finally hit lvl30 and all out of sudden, lag. Instapurple and save'n exit, but I still ended up finding him as a ghost in the character selection screen. Atleast the friend of mine managed to escape.
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

IP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: ChanteHelp LOD
Character level: 52
Character class: Sorc
Character build: enchant
Game difficulty: NM
Act: 5
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PK

Suddenly wanted to help all lvl people , driven by pure altruism, i'm going from game to game dispensing low lvl (+700dmg) enchant to all chars...
Cool people thx a lot and I decide to do the same in NM for a change...
Spot one of the Help me ancients blalblabla , one assassin wainting for friends cool!
not so ,switch to my enchant setup (lvl32) go out town to enchant him ...BAM DEAD!!
Morality don't help strangers!!

PS that not all folks...lost 3 chars in 2 days... ;-)
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

IP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: Lhammerdeur
Character level: 72
Character class: Pala
Character build: Hammerdin
Game difficulty: HELL
Act: 1
Corpse looted: No
Death type: Might enchanted Archer pack
Lets go to hell I'm so powerfull ! Tired of Bashing baal and its minions, start to venture into hell, no prob at all untill hitting dark wood.
Found a nice double enchanted Archers pack!
Step one charged to be closer
1/4 sec later merc died ? strange he had twice my HP?
1/8 sec later starts to hammer and... DEAD

Morality LEAVE : might / enchanted ARCHERS PACK alone I think this is my main source of death in A1.

PS 2/3 another one is coming soon...
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

IP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name:
Character level: 82
Character class: Sorc
Character build: chained light+ orb
Game difficulty: Hell
Act: 1 PIT
Corpse looted: No
Death type: LAGGGGGGG (good 2min)

Finish the game with her...was my first one!
I use her well but decided to start a nice PIT campaign (100+) and do some stats about the drop...
Well, that was the plan at least...
Run number 1:
tele to pit
kill 2 packs no drops
tele again, wait , im not moving , press on rejuv in case...
oh its back , oh im dead!

PIT campaign items dropped = 00000000000000000000000000000!

PS that all folks...
Now I need to work on killing the others
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: Fascinationized
Character level: 18
Character class: Paladin
Character build: Charger
Game difficulty: Normal
Act: 2
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvP

Cause of demise: Was hunting people in tombruns with my charger. For some reason I decided to check Far Oasis, and there was a level 12 barbarian in full sigons and an enched bow. Tried to S&E but he 1-hitted me, lost a dream PK gear at the same time :whistling:

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: Dravidianized
Character level: 14
Character class: Paladin
Character build: Charger
Game difficulty: Normal
Act: 1
Corpse looted: Yes
Death type: PvP

I was dueling a level 29 assassin, too bad he was a PvP character also, got kicked to death. Luckily I had a looter so not that much of worth lost, other than the character and charms

Cause of demise:
Re: RIP: Our Fallen Friends (Ladder Season 5)

RIP: Our Fallen Friends
Death Certificate

Character name: Holst
Character level: 73
Character class: Necromancer
Character build: Summoner / CE
Game difficulty: Hell
Act: 1
Corpse looted: No
Death type: PvM

Cause of demise: I had just killed the countess and on my way from Black Marsh wp to Cathedral for Charsi's quest, when I hit a big group of fallen / archers. Things got extremely laggy while replenishing returns, and of course another pack of huntresses with a LE unique blindsides me before golem can slow them. Deeds.
This was my first serious HC character. I could not loot corpse, but almost all pgems and HRs and most usable equips were on mules, so meh. I'm now wondering if I should rebuild a Summoner or try Sorc of some kind
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