New to the BotD club

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Bolinbrooke said:
And yes I've told AE about this post.

Bolin I respect you much for taking a stance to protect this forum. However, honestly I don't think that their is much of anything to be done except to see problems occur. To simply put things, runes just can't be proven to be dupes (if created in the right ways) and thus no matter how fishy things may seem their is just no way to prove it. I will say however, the more of these type posts I see, the less desire I have to use my BoTD :confused:

My only sense of relief for this kind of situation is through carefully reading Choas's posts, he just has a knack for... something :xgrin:
Keep in mind the fact that D2X has existed for more than two years now... and ultra-high end runes just weren't that useful till 1.10. Now how did that saying about a million monkeys being given a million typewriters for a million years go... :xfrosty:

Honestly I don't see why someone would be dishonest about making a BoTD - it's nice for bragging rights, but still the way the game is now, a skeleton necro or hammerdin with average to good gear is probably still a faster killer than a BoTD zealot...
Last Post-

So your 'freinds' supplied all the runes and you traded for the axe and then u get to keep the most powerful wepon in the game for your own use, even though your char's cant use it yet and your 'friends' have all the high level chars and all the items. :uhhuh:

Choas - ;)

Sincere - Sitting on your hands cant help anyone. As a long term player you know how often these runes drop. It just hurts the SPF as all these rune words bound about that could not possibly be made by everyone legitly. While the makers claim legit status and trade with true legit mebers the stadards of this place fall.
Bolin, I agree w/ you 100%, we should not sit on our hands.

In the end however, we have no proof of whether the runes are legit or not, and therefore what can AE do? That is all I am saying, I wish that there were more we could do.

I agree w/ holding everybody to the same standards and that everyone has the right to be questioned when they post about something like this... but all I am saying is that we have seen the problems that accusing someone of something w/ no proof has caused here.

Maybe, just maybe AE could chime in here making Bolin and myself feel better about the situation.
SincereX13 said:
In the end however, we have no proof of whether the runes are legit or not, and therefore what can AE do? That is all I am saying, I wish that there were more we could do.
Maybe, just maybe AE could chime in here making Bolin and myself feel better about the situation.
Hark, I've been summoned :)

You summed it up for me Sincere. One of the most difficult things I've dealt with as Moderator is determining "legitimacy" of runes, or runewords. If I could turn back time I'd do at least these 2 things:
1) add fingerprints to runes
2) stop Flux from posting the 1.10 item pack

I'd also make a couple changes in my choice of female companionship along the way, but I digress :lol:

Based on the facts presented in this thread, the weapon does seem dubious. DreamlessDude, please understand that I am not accusing you of cheating here. I am suggesting that your "friends" may be less than legitimate. Maybe if you tell me who they are via PM, I can... Well maybe not.

When confronted with explaining how folks get these high end runes, it all too often turns out that "friends supplied the runes, and they have been playing for years, running the Countess ( which provides dozens of Vexes :rolleyes: ) and are just extremely lucky when running the pit". Sigh...what is a Mod to do?

I'm personally worn out over the whole rune topic.
Thanks for understanding AE. I'm glad u didn't ban me for being so agressive and direct to the point.
It's a complicated situation. I don't think DreamlessDude can do much more to assure us of the legitness of the weapon. At least some legit runes were cubed - whether they were all 100% legit, who knows?

There seem to be more high level runes floating around than there used to be. There are a couple of factors which could be contributing to this:

1) Improved Hellforge drops - getting up to Gul.

2) Cubing recipes

3) Better rune drops? Anecdotally there seem to be a few more very high level runes dropping, but I'm not sure if this is supported by the evidence.

Having said that, there still seem to be a surprisingly large number of BotD weapons around. For those of us accustomed to the near-mythical status of the Zod in 1.09 (I can remember exactly 1 confirmed 1.09 Zod drop in my entire time here) they seem to be unusually common.

Icebird said:
3) Better rune drops? Anecdotally there seem to be a few more very high level runes dropping, but I'm not sure if this is supported by the evidence.
If people who spent a lot of time running act bosses in 1.09 are now spending a lot of time running The Pit and other level 85 areas, there will be more high runes dropping. High runes are and always have been incredibly rare, but you'll see more of them killing hordes of normal monsters than you will killing Mephisto every 3 minutes.
Icebird said:
1) Improved Hellforge drops - getting up to Gul.

It takes 128 Gul to get to a Zod, I've seen 1 drop in 3 years. This is what makes me beleive cubing to Zod is a fallacy.
First off, Congratulations on the cool toy! :clap:

I must admit to being a relative newbie to the game, since I've only completed even Normal two times, and never done any MF running of anykind, but I cant help but consider it abit odd to assume someone is cheating because they have rare equipment or hard to find runes.

I could assume that all these people who claim to have lots of Elite Uniques and so on are cheating somehow, since I've never seen them drop in my games, but that would be daft. The fact that a couple of folks have got Zod's and BotD weapons doesnt hint that they cheat, really, it hints that they are lucky... yay.. go them. Why is it that people automatically think the worst of someone when they get something good? Why not, just for once.. assume he and his freinds worked hard and got lucky.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Nothing is impossible, meerly improbible.

Xaviar - who likes to think the best of people, rather than assuming the worst
XaviarGangrel said:
First off, Congratulations on the cool toy! :clap:

I must admit to being a relative newbie to the game, since I've only completed even Normal two times, and never done any MF running of anykind, but I cant help but consider it abit odd to assume someone is cheating because they have rare equipment or hard to find runes.

I could assume that all these people who claim to have lots of Elite Uniques and so on are cheating somehow, since I've never seen them drop in my games, but that would be daft. The fact that a couple of folks have got Zod's and BotD weapons doesnt hint that they cheat, really, it hints that they are lucky... yay.. go them. Why is it that people automatically think the worst of someone when they get something good? Why not, just for once.. assume he and his freinds worked hard and got lucky.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Nothing is impossible, meerly improbible.

Xaviar - who likes to think the best of people, rather than assuming the worst

~400 unique sacred armours should drop to every 1 Zod Rune......what else can i say.
Bolinbrooke said:
~400 unique sacred armours should drop to every 1 Zod Rune......what else can i say.

Not should, just that it is most probable, though odds can sometimes be...well, odd. It is completely possible that someone could find a Zod rune without ever seeing a single unique sacred armor drop. Also, people have been able to find a Zod since the day the expansion was released, people have only been able to find a unique sacred armor since the day 1.10 patch came out. Doesn't say much in regards of how rare a Zod is, just trying to say that there doesn't necessarily have to be 400 unique sacred armors (or anywhere near that) for every legit Zod in existence :thumbsup: Ook, I'll slip back into the shadows now...
MorbidDoom said:
Not should, just that it is most probable, though odds can sometimes be...well, odd. It is completely possible that someone could find a Zod rune without ever seeing a single unique sacred armor drop. Also, people have been able to find a Zod since the day the expansion was released, people have only been able to find a unique sacred armor since the day 1.10 patch came out. Doesn't say much in regards of how rare a Zod is, just trying to say that there doesn't necessarily have to be 400 unique sacred armors (or anywhere near that) for every legit Zod in existence :thumbsup: Ook, I'll slip back into the shadows now...

That being said, probability states with the 12 BotD we have here now, we should have far more than 6 maybe 7 unique sacred armours. We should have atleast a few hundred or maybe a few thousand.

Then take into account all the other high runes getting around, Ber, Cham, Jah, etc and the balance of probabilites is they are not all legit.

OT- You should know Morbid, you have 2 x BotD, Doom, Enigma, Chains of Honour, plus seem to have every elite unique in the game worth do I know this, i've played MP in games he has been in.
Bolinbrooke said:
That being said, probability states with the 12 BotD we have here now, we should have far more than 6 maybe 7 unique sacred armours. We should have atleast a few hundred or maybe a few thousand.

Then take into account all the other high runes getting around, Ber, Cham, Jah, etc and the balance of probabilites is they are not all legit.

OT- You should know Morbid, you have 2 x BotD, Doom, Enigma, Chains of Honour, plus seem to have every elite unique in the game worth do I know this, i've played MP in games he has been in.

Whilst I agree with your theory that many rare items (such as unique sacred armors) would drop before 1 zod drops, I can't help but notice that it is possible that players may have stocked many mid- to high-level runes during their playing of Diablo. In comparison, however, it is impossible to stock unique Sacred Armors as they didn't drop until recently with the release of 1.10. Countess could also drop up to vex back then and now Lo (if I'm not mistaken; and yes, I know they are rare nevertheless, but they are more common from countess on per-kill basis). But of course, it is still quite likely that people cheat to get runes (or legit people unknowingly traded for cheated runes). With this being said, though, I do think it is a bit unlikely as I did a lot of countess runs in 1.09 and I've only seen 2 ists, I think; and I doubt her chance to drop runes is boosted that much in 1.10.

Well, I guess only time will tell. My 2 cents. :bow: (<-- this smiley is cool!)
Well, being the second person to actually find Tyrael's Might (some consider it somewhat tainted, but I don't), I am surprised by the ratio of Tyrael's Might to zods and other high level runes. With two Tyrael's Might in existence so far and hundreds of high level runes in circulation, once cannot help but be dumbstruck. :surprise:

Personally, the highest rune I have ever seen is gul from my hellforge quests (I got a vex eventually when my brother got a gul from his hellforge). The only other high level run from a normal monster was mal and a pul. That is not much. Without the countess, I doubt my bro and I would ever see worthwhile rune drops.

With that said, I am guessing that half or maybe even more high level runes are non-legit. The numbers just don't add up. :scratch:

Personally, I don't doubt DreamlesDude is legit, but I do doubt his friends. He contributed a mere ist and they contributed the rest. DreamlessDude, you may want to have a heart to heart talk with your friends and find out whether the runes are legit. If they are legit, than you have my congratulations. However, even if the runes are not legit, I congratulate you for even trying to complete it even if some of your friends "duped" you.
I just thought I'd post that the people saying how the ability to cube lower runes into higher ones is simply proof they are using illegitimate means to do this. It's a proven fact that it takes longer to cube a high end rune than to actually find it, the numbers are mind boggling and whilst the emotional part of me would love to be able to trust everyone that claims to be a Zod'er, the mathmatical portion of my brain screams. It's by no means impossible, but highly, highly, highly improbable. Improbable to such an extent that it may as well be impossible as far as I'm concerned. Maybe someone could post some precise numbers, as I have seen in earlier threads, now whiped out from the recent crash.
AlterEgo said:
Hark, I've been summoned :)

You summed it up for me Sincere. One of the most difficult things I've dealt with as Moderator is determining "legitimacy" of runes, or runewords. If I could turn back time I'd do at least these 2 things:
1) add fingerprints to runes
2) stop Flux from posting the 1.10 item pack
Niether of these would make a difference, unless 1.10 cube recipies didn't exist.
mung0 said:
I just thought I'd post that the people saying how the ability to cube lower runes into higher ones is simply proof they are using illegitimate means to do this. It's a proven fact that it takes longer to cube a high end rune than to actually find it, the numbers are mind boggling and whilst the emotional part of me would love to be able to trust everyone that claims to be a Zod'er, the mathmatical portion of my brain screams.
Actually, for most runes that is true, but for Zods, cubing up is more likely than finding. For example Chams are ~3.5x as common as Zods, and Jahs are ~5.25x as common. So the chances are that you will find 4 Jahs or 2 Chams before you find one Zod. Even if you're not killing monsters that can drop Jahs and Chams but not Zods. :)

Furthermore, as I suggested earlier, I think the popularity of The Pit means a lot of people are MF'ing in a much more "rune friendly" fashion than they were under 1.09.

I don't have the 1.09 TreasureClassEx.txt file, but I think it's fair to say that Zods will be considerably more common in 1.10 than they were in 1.09. Just the cubing would make them a good 5x more common, I would say. Of course, 5x more common than "incredibly mind-blowingly rare" is still so rare that the number floating around is highly suspect.
tentpeg said:
Niether of these would make a difference, unless 1.10 cube recipies didn't exist.
A way to keep it under control even with the 1.10 cube recipes would be if (a) the cube checked that there were no duplicate fingerprints amongst its ingredients, and (b) the fingerprint of the cube's output was derived from the fingerprints of the ingredients (e.g. XOR all the fingerprints of the ingredients). That way, if you had one rune, you couldn't dupe it and then upgrade the two into a fresh higher rune. And even if you had two legit runes, duping both of them would give you an endless supply of runes one level higher, but you couldn't upgrade those ones any further, as they'd all have the same fingerprints.
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