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Elly and Rush co-op Diablo 2 Resurrected beta Act 1 live stream footage

Paladin and Sorceress in beta action together.

Last night Elly and I kicked up a Diablo 2 Resurrected beta stream on Youtube while we took a run-through of Act 1. Instead of going for our usual class choices, we decide to pick two classes we had rarely played in the past.

Elly took on the Sorceress and I decided on the Paladin. We were both super rusty with these classes and we even felt a little rusty with the game overall even though we played the alpha a few months back.

Later today (evening EU time) we’ll be taking on Act 2 and Duriel, which did not go well for us back in the Alpha. We’ll see how it goes this time. If you want to follow our progress, subscribe to the Youtube channel so you’re notified of the stream.

Anyway, here’s how the stream went and advance warning, there’s a lot of potty mouth in this. Mostly from Elly of course 😉

Watch the Stream Footage

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134 messages 5 likes

I had the same idea. I tried the Paladin too, a character I don't often play as, and actually was pleasantly surprised. The thing which surprised me the most were the handful of times I crashed to the desktop, or died due to lag.

Every crash was related somehow to the D2R graphics engine, and wasn't even during a time when I was doing (what I would assume) are graphic heavy actions, such as sorting through my storage or creating a town portal after a fight. The graphics would start to get sluggish, so I would try to switch to Classic mode, thinking that would free it up, but it would crash soon after.

The second was how often I experienced lag, particularly in the tombs of Act 2. This is 2021! I'd thought for sure that lag, especially for D2, would be a non-issue by now, but maybe there's a lot I just don't know still. I've also never played D2 online until this beta.

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3,650 messages 487 likes

Yeh there was a lot of rubber banding too. There needs to be some optimisation work done over the next few weeks for sure.

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