Tournament: Money-Hating Barbarians


New member
Jun 22, 2003
Tournament: Money-Hating Barbarians

I think it´s time that I start a second tounament.

I really like the idea of "use only what you find, and throw it away when it breaks" but I think the 'All Alone' tournaments have been too restricted for my taste. Hence this tournament.

Tournament Rules:

1. This is a Barbarian Hardcore tournament. You can play with a SC character if you want, but if he dies, he is out of the tournament. Multiplaying is not allowed.

2. If your barb dies in the first two acts in Normal, you are allowed one more chance.

3. No Save & Exit to avoid death. Town Portal may be hotkeyed, but you may not use TP scrolls from the belt.

4. Versions 1.10 and 1.11 are allowed. RWM is allowed (I think most items will break rather quickly anyway...).

5. Any Barbarian build is allowed, but
* The very first skill point you earn must be placed in Find Potion, right away.
* Whenever you reach any of the levels 12-17, you must place a point in Find Item. So when you get to clvl 17, you will take Find Item to level 6.

6. Most important rule: the barbarians in this tournament are NOT allowed to use gold (with a few minor exceptions, see below). Yep, that means no shopping, no gambling, no vendor repairing and no merc resurrections!

7. These barbs may abhor trading, but they are most certainly expert hoarders. You can use ATMA or other means of muling to save anything you may need later. You may only mule between playing sessions. It goes without saying (but I´ll mention it anyway) that you may not bring in any item found by another character).

8. Important rule: you may NOT play an area or "run" a boss a second time. The whole idea of the tournament is that the item pool to choose from is rather limited. When you start a new session, it is OK to clear a path from waypoint to exit to a "new" area if you must do so to stay safe, but anything that drops during this "transport" is off-limits (this includes the drops from monsters that may follow you into "new" territory).

9. You can skip any non-essential area for the moment and come back to it later (you may even go back to an earlier difficulty if you have areas left there).

10. All non-essential quests are optional, as is finding waypoints. However, you must kill the Cow King before you proceed to the next difficulty. In order to earn the title of Guardian in this tournament, you must defeat Hell Cow King.

11. You may play on any /players setting you like, and you may change it any time you like. Cheesy "kill monsters on low setting, open containers on /p8"-tactics is fully endorsed here.

12. Merc rewards. You will be given mercs as rewards along the way. Take good care of them, since they can´t be resurrected. You earn the rights of a merc after completing any of these quests (once on each difficulty, for a total of 12 "merc rights" if you make it partway into the final act):
* Act 1 merc after defeating Blood Raven
* Act 2 merc after defeating Radament
* Act 3 merc after you return the Gidbinn to Ormus
* Act 5 merc after you have completed the Rescue on Mount Arreat quest
With the exception of the first time (if you take an act 1 or 3 merc first), you need to simulate being given the reward. Therefore you need some cash to make this work, so make sure to pick up gold or sell a few useless items now and then.

For the mercs that come in different flavours (all except the barb mercs), you must randomize the type (with equal probability), then hire one of that type. (For v1.10 users: you may restart them game until you can get a merc of the highest possible level of the randomized type.)
If you play well, a particular merc may well survive until you earn the right to another merc. You may choose to "cash in" a merc reward at any time you like, or save them for later. If you cash in a merc reward when you have a merc that is alive, the merc you choose to leave is lost. The advantage is that you can collect what they are using first; equipment that is on a merc that dies is lost.

13. After you have killed Baal on a particular difficulty, you may buy a Tome of Town Portal, for the sole purpose of opening the portal to the Moo Moo Farm on that difficulty.

14. Interaction with townspeople. My thoughts with this rule is to provide an appropriate challenge at different stages of the game, while still allowing for good progress in the late game. Normal is very restricted, while the latter difficulties loosen up quite a bit.

In general, you may only speak with townspeople when they have a "!" above their head, and when you claim a reward. Every time Cain wants to talk to you, you can have him identify as much as you can carry. Just before fights with act bosses and Ancients, and during fights with act bosses, you may visit the town healer.

You may use the ID service of Cain and get healed by the town healers as much as you like (provided you have the means to get to town, of course...)
Just before fights with act bosses and Ancients, and during fights with act bosses, you may buy healing potions, arrows and bolts, and you may repair throwing weapons that replenish themselves.

Anything that is allowed in Nightmare is also allowed in Hell. You may also buy healing potions, town portal scrolls, arrows and bolts, and repair self-replenishing throwing weapons at any time. Just before fights with act bosses and Ancients, and during fights with act bosses, you may buy any kind of potions (However, you are not allowed to stock up on them outside what you can carry in inventory + belt. You may drink potions with temporary effects, and then buy as many potions as you can carry before you return to the fight).

15. The winner is the player who reaches the farthest into the game. If that is equal, the placings are decided by, in order:
* highest character level
* fewest number of areas skipped
* fewest bosses parked
* highest number of unique items found
* highest number of set items found
(so you need to keep track of the stuff above)

Tournament starts now and players can sign up for the rest of 2006. After that, the tournament ends when all characters are finished or there is no update for 4 months.

The are no prizes other than the credit you earn for being an l33t barb player.
Just what I need, another tourney :)

OK, I'm entering with PoorSkunk.
Heh, I had a barbarian for some other tournament named OxDEADBEEF but I never played him. I'm in this one, with a character of the same name.

Just for extra fun, he's going to be a frenzy barb. :D
Hmm, I've never tried a Barb at all, nor have I ever participated in a tourney

I guess it's about time to take the plunge. I'm sure it will be a short-lived experience.

Enter me, his name will be BrokenBrawn
Now this is a tournament with a twist!

nice going jiansonz... I am entering with Bruce :thumbsup:

I will have a table up asap.

EDIT: okie dokie

Forum Name    Quest     Char Name     LVL   ACT       WP         Build                            
jiansonz       DoE          ?          1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
SuperSavage    DoE        Bruce        1    A1    Rogue Camp   Concentrate
Skunkbelly     DoE      PoorSkunk      1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
chumley669     DoE      BrokenBrawn    1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
JicamaEater    DoE      OxDEADBEEF     1    A1    Rogue Camp     Frenzy
nice concept

hmmm ... OK .... i'm in :laugh:

i'm entering with Buliwyf. build .... maybe double swing .... ??

Forum Name    Quest     Char Name     LVL   ACT       WP         Build                            
jiansonz       DoE          ?          1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
SuperSavage    DoE        Bruce        1    A1    Rogue Camp   Concentrate
Skunkbelly     DoE      PoorSkunk      1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
chumley669     DoE      BrokenBrawn    1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
JicamaEater    DoE      OxDEADBEEF     1    A1    Rogue Camp     Frenzy
newco          DoE      Buliwyf        1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Well, first update for Bruce!

I have reached level 12 and put one point to find item and have 5 points to find potion for 50% chance. All on /p 8 so far reaching the cold plains WP and clearing the den along with killing blood raven. Went through lots of weapons already, from fulmating potions, strangling gas potions, axes, swords, clubs, javelins, and throwing knives. I use all the throwing weapons first and when they run out use my next best weapon in line. Strangling gas and fulmating potions are all used against packs where it spreads and kills them very effectively. Cold crow was probably the hardest boss I've fought so far and I used lots of throwing potions to kill her. Don't really use healing potions, only sometimes so I haven't used find potion a lot but it's nice for finding those blues so I can use more bash and find pot/item. Every chipped gem I get goes into any open socket at the time and I have quite a few chips left over after socketing all my gear and mercs gear as I can. Ravens whole army went down in seconds to the strangling gas pots, and I spammed bash on her with a rare club i found earlier and recieved a cold arrow merc which was level 7. Found her a superior 3 max short bow with +1 max dmg and socketed it with a emerald, sapphire, and a topaz. She does most of killing now, killing speed will increase more than triple now. Biggest problem I am having is finding those scroll of identify's.... I can't even get close to keeping up with the magic items I find, so I identify charms and rares first. Gotta wait till cain to get lots of stuff identified like rings, jewels, more rares and magics. Fun tournament so far, doing things and using things I never do before and also learning how well the find potion and item skills turn out to be.

Forum Name    Quest     Char Name     LVL   ACT       WP         Build                            
SuperSavage    Cain       Bruce       12    A1    Cold Plains   Concentrate
jiansonz       DoE          ?          1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Skunkbelly     DoE      PoorSkunk      1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
chumley669     DoE      BrokenBrawn    1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
JicamaEater    DoE      OxDEADBEEF     1    A1    Rogue Camp     Frenzy
newco          DoE      Buliwyf        1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
What does it mean to park a boss?

I am in three tournaments. Therefore, I am in desparate need of another one. My barb goes by the name of "Berserker". I do understand the difficulty without repairs. I may try to build a frenzy barb with throwing as a primary threat to the easy stuff. We shall see.

Forum Name    Quest     Char Name     LVL   ACT       WP         Build                            
SuperSavage    Cain       Bruce       12    A1    Cold Plains   Concentrate
jiansonz       DoE          ?          1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Skunkbelly     DoE      PoorSkunk      1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
chumley669     DoE      BrokenBrawn    1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
JicamaEater    DoE      OxDEADBEEF     1    A1    Rogue Camp     Frenzy
newco          DoE      Buliwyf        1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Wolron         DoE      Berserker      1    A1    Rogue Camp     Frenzy/Throwing
Wolron said:
What does it mean to park a boss?

It means that you leave it alive. You decide that it´s either too dangerous to fight, or you have no way of overcoming its regeneration (or other means of healing, like Mana Burn, Vampire leech, being a Zakarum priest, etc.).
No time like the present to try HC...and thus, DeadBarbWalking is born...

NO idea on build yet...then again, he may be deceased before that becomes an issue..

OK, I'll try this one too. Please welcome Felix the Barbarian...

The name "Felix" means "lucky and successful". I will need some of that luck to find some nice weapons that are auto-repairing or Indestuctible! Hopefully my points in Find Item will help. Jiansonz, I am especially amused at how clearly you spell out the mandatory Find Item skillpoints. By the end of this tourney we will all be hork-masters. :thumbsup:

Right out the gate, I found a Lizard's Grand Charm (+7 mana). Almost doubled my mana! Felix quickly began throwing javelins and knives, of all qualities. p8 drops provided plenty, and I rarely had to resort to melee. I soon placed a point in Throwing Mastery to help out. When I had to melee, I used Double Swing. At level 4, its mana-demands are very low. I used Strangling Gas potions once, against Coldcrow. I retreated and led her through the clouds for an easy kill. She never got off a shot! Blood Raven was also easy, and my random rogue selection was Cold. I would've preferred Fire, but it's no big deal. None of her current gear is worth mentioning.

At level 12, I placed a required point in Find Item, and a saved point in Double Throw. What a nice boost to my killing speed! It's worth it, even if I never use Frenzy. After clearing the Undergound Passage and Dark Wood, I rescued Cain. You better believe I had a full inventory of stuff for him to ID! All junk...

My Wirt's Leg has 3 sockets and 50+ durability. Perhaps I'll find a use for it soon, although I can't complain about my current melee setup. I dual-wield a superior scepter and a gemmed scepter (2 rubies), which are boosted with a point in Mace Mastery. I also have 2 small charms of shock which add 2-10 damage. No problems. Nothing else is notable except for my 2-topaz cap and 2-topaz leather armor. The rest of my gear is garbage.

Moving right along, at level 15, with 239 life and zero resists!
jiansonz said:
It means that you leave it alive. You decide that it´s either too dangerous to fight, or you have no way of overcoming its regeneration (or other means of healing, like Mana Burn, Vampire leech, being a Zakarum priest, etc.).

Ah yes, that is like not being able to enter the maggot lair treasure room due to too many maggots. Of course then you cannot finish the game without the staff. Thank goodness that is not likely to be needed because I doubt that I have the patience to count bosses that are left double parked.
Berserker is underway

Berserker has acquired 4 of the 6 skill levels in find item. Two more and he can free wheel it again on skills! He is currently using two scepters with double hit and two throwing knives with double throw. He has already lost his mercenary, but going alone at this point in the game is not a major problem. When (if) I qualify for an act 2 merc, I think I will save him until I really need him (duriel?).

Berserker's best item so far is a jawbone cap with +2 sword mastery, +2 axe mastery and +1 mace mastery. That gives him several options to his basic throwing mastery.

Forum Name    Quest     Char Name     LVL   ACT       WP         Build                            
Wolron         Countess Berserker     15    A1    Dark Wood     Frenzy/Throwing
SuperSavage    Cain       Bruce       12    A1    Cold Plains   Concentrate
jiansonz       DoE          ?          1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Skunkbelly     DoE      PoorSkunk      1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
chumley669     DoE      BrokenBrawn    1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
JicamaEater    DoE      OxDEADBEEF     1    A1    Rogue Camp     Frenzy
newco          DoE      Buliwyf        1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
BrokenBrawn began his questing last night, players8 all the way. He's still figuring out what he wants to do with his life (aren't we all!), so no strategy in skill placement as yet. Disdaining from dealing with the folks at the rogues camp, he embarked and found a decent rare hand axe, +8 poison and some decent mods, 84 durability. This'll last him awhile, coupled with the javelins he likes to throw around. In the meantime, he decided to use swords for when the going gets tougher, so points have been going into that Mastery. Completed the Den, and Blood Raven was pretty easy. The only nde was Coldcrow, she's a toughie for the low levels. Brawn has been experimenting with war cries too...Taunt is a nice little skill for luring in those ranged attackers. Anyway, he's now level 11 of Act1, starting to explore the Sony Field accompanied by some rogue who appeared at his side, already level 9 and with a neat little fire arrow skill. Killing has sped up immeasurably. No worthwhile drops...a chest in the Mausoleum dropped two rare rings. Anxious to ID them, Brawn was depressed to find....they both were big on % gold drop from monsters. What good is money to such a solo existence? Truly, the gods have a sense of humor.

I have no idea how to update the table, if someone would be so kind as to drop me a quick tutorial, I'll do the deed henceforth. I won't be able to play for a bit...I'm off on an emergency mission, just found out my grandfather is in a bad way, so I must go organize his affairs. Talk to you all soon.
I am truely horrible at melee play... but will join this tourney anyway! I need to learn this playstyle, and what better way?

After scanning barb guides, I think I'll go with a Concentrate build leaning toward "Ironbarb". I realize there is no way I can really build an ironbarb with these restrictions, but my goal is to build a tank such that my merc can stay out of the fray and assist in killing to the highest degree.
I might give this a shot. Having never played a HC character before, it's about time I started. I'll register now, but will not begin until tomorrow as the football highlights are about to start.

HC + watching football = Quick Deeds.

My Barbarian will be called Laurentius (patron saint of, amongst other things, the poor).

Forum Name    Quest     Char Name     LVL   ACT       WP         Build                            
Wolron         Countess Berserker     15    A1    Dark Wood     Frenzy/Throwing
SuperSavage    Cain       Bruce       12    A1    Cold Plains   Concentrate
jiansonz       DoE          ?          1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Skunkbelly     DoE      PoorSkunk      1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
chumley669     DoE      BrokenBrawn    1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
JicamaEater    DoE      OxDEADBEEF     1    A1    Rogue Camp     Frenzy
newco          DoE      Buliwyf        1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Atil           DoE      Laurentius     1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Good a tournament without an end-date. I've been looking for one again. So.. living of the land sounds good, needing quite some vit though since the items (or lack there of) will give me few so.. a singer with double swing? Sounds good. Good luck guys.
Forum Name    Quest     Char Name     LVL   ACT       WP         Build                            
Wolron         Countess Berserker     15    A1    Dark Wood     Frenzy/Throwing
SuperSavage    Cain       Bruce       12    A1    Cold Plains   Concentrate
jiansonz       DoE          ?          1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Skunkbelly     DoE      PoorSkunk      1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
chumley669     DoE      BrokenBrawn    1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
JicamaEater    DoE      OxDEADBEEF     1    A1    Rogue Camp    Frenzy
newco          DoE      Buliwyf        1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Atil           DoE      Laurentius     1    A1    Rogue Camp       ? 
Sint           DoE      Susie          1    A1    Rogue Camp    Cry/DS
Forum Name    Quest     Char Name     LVL   ACT       WP         Build                            
Wolron         Countess Berserker     15    A1    Dark Wood     Frenzy/Throwing
Insane Wayne   ?        Felix         15    A1    ?                ?
SuperSavage    Cain       Bruce       12    A1    Cold Plains   Concentrate
jiansonz       DoE          ?          1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Skunkbelly     DoE      PoorSkunk      1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
chumley669     DoE      BrokenBrawn    1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
JicamaEater    DoE      OxDEADBEEF     1    A1    Rogue Camp    Frenzy
newco          DoE      Buliwyf        1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Atil           DoE      Laurentius     1    A1    Rogue Camp       ? 
Sint           DoE      Susie          1    A1    Rogue Camp    Cry/DS
Jackalope      DoE      Ranger         1     A1   Rouge Camp    Frenzy/Singer

I added you insane.. I think I'll play as well.. even though I have many characters need to be mat'd/pat'd with HF still this should be fun... So let me introduce.... Ranger the frenzy/singer :D
Forum Name    Quest     Char Name     LVL   ACT       WP         Build                            
Wolron         Countess Berserker     15    A1    Dark Wood     Frenzy/Throwing
Insane Wayne   ?        Felix         15    A1    ?                ?
SuperSavage    Cain       Bruce       12    A1    Cold Plains   Concentrate
jiansonz       DoE          ?          1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Skunkbelly     DoE      PoorSkunk      1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
chumley669     DoE      BrokenBrawn    1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
JicamaEater    DoE      OxDEADBEEF     1    A1    Rogue Camp    Frenzy
newco          DoE      Buliwyf        1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Atil           DoE      Laurentius     1    A1    Rogue Camp       ? 
Sint           DoE      Susie          1    A1    Rogue Camp    Cry/DS
Jackalope      DoE      Ranger         1    A1    Rouge Camp    Frenzy/Singer
Cattleya       DoE      Neil           1    A1    Rouge Camp    Drummer
Well, Neil my drummer got retired at the end of the Survivor tourney, so I'm ready to give him another try (and do it properly in HC.) It may be a little while before I get going, since the deadlines for the SPUMF and Rains/Pours tournaments are looming.
I had to have a quick go before bedtime!

Laurentius has now been joined by Aliza and they are back at Camp after clearing the Cold Plains areas. No problems so far and Corpsefire dropped:

Doom Scalpel
Short Sword
One-Hand Damage: 3 to 13
Durability: 13 of 13
Required Level: 3
Sword Class - Fast Attack Speed
+3 to Maximum Damage
+34 to Attack Rating
+10 % Damage to Demons
+29 to Attack Rating against Demons
Adds 1-8 Lightning Damage
Repairs 1 Durability in 33 Seconds
Ethereal (Cannot Be Repaired)

Forum Name    Quest     Char Name     LVL   ACT       WP         Build                            
Wolron         Countess Berserker     15    A1    Dark Wood     Frenzy/Throwing
Insane Wayne   ?        Felix         15    A1    ?                ?
SuperSavage    Cain       Bruce       12    A1    Cold Plains   Concentrate
Atil           Cain     Laurentius    12    A1    Cold Plains      ? 
jiansonz       DoE          ?          1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Skunkbelly     DoE      PoorSkunk      1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
chumley669     DoE      BrokenBrawn    1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
JicamaEater    DoE      OxDEADBEEF     1    A1    Rogue Camp    Frenzy
newco          DoE      Buliwyf        1    A1    Rogue Camp       ?
Sint           DoE      Susie          1    A1    Rogue Camp    Cry/DS
Jackalope      DoE      Ranger         1    A1    Rouge Camp    Frenzy/Singer
Cattleya       DoE      Neil           1    A1    Rouge Camp    Drummer
Estimated market value