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Diablo Fan Art Watch #179: The Former Guardians of Arreat – The Barbarian Effect XI

   Welcome all to the latest installment of the Diablo Fan Art Watch featuring art from the D3 gallery. This week we return to the scarred Dreadlands and what remains of Mt. [WIKI]Arreat[/WIKI]. The silent vigil of what was once the home of the Barbarian. Artwork by: ted4everart, GansOne89, DiegoGisbertLlorens, doneplay, Jad-Saber, Pharan, AL32ander, and … Read more


Witch Doctor

Welcome all to the latest installment of the Diablo Fan Art Watch featuring art from the D3 gallery. This week we return to the scarred Dreadlands and what remains of Mt. [WIKI]Arreat[/WIKI]. The silent vigil of what was once the home of the Barbarian.

Artwork by: ted4everart, GansOne89, DiegoGisbertLlorens,
doneplay, Jad-Saber, Pharan, AL32ander, and Nostalgia32.

barbarian by gansone89 d5n24ac barbarian warrior by diegogisbertllorens d5o3vo5 diablo 3 barbarian by doneplay d5q0u56
diablo 3 difficulty levels by al32ander d5fqevcdiablo 3 by jad saber d5n60bb draw harder by pharan d5juf94
barbarian by nostalgia32 d5les8s

Click the thumbnails to see larger versions of all these images.

Also this week blizzard posted a blog featuring the epic artwork of Deiv Calviz: Fan Creation of the Week: The Art of Deiv Calviz. There blizzard did a Q&A with Deiv about his works and inspiration. His works were also posted in our gallery and posted in Watch #168.

If you enjoy Fan art and want to contribute to this growing community, please stop by the Fan Creations Forum. Many artists visit frequently, posting works in progress looking for feedback and conversation. You don’t have to be “arty” to join in. If you have any questions, comments or have some fan art related news on the web please send me a PM and I’ll get back to you.