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Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR Preloading Now

Get your downloads going ahead of tomorrow’s PTR test.

Diablo 5 Season 5 PTR Preloading Now

Tomorrow (Tuesday) the Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR will go live but you can get in on the download action now ahead of release.

Blizzard popped a note out this evening that the preload is now available on Battle.Net. It’s a hefty size so if you need to download it from scratch start doing it now.

Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR Notes

Here are some notes on the PTR from last week’s dev chat and you can read more about the Infernal Hordes content in the Diablo 4 Wiki.

  • The Season 5 PTR will go live on Tuesday, June 25th, will run for one week through Tuesday, July 2nd, and will be available to PC users only.
  • The PTR will include the customary character boost options as well as the ability to copy current characters into the PTR.
  • The Devs will be looking for as much feedback from players as possible, including these specific areas:
    • Your overall experience with the Infernal Horde.
    • How do Boons and Banes feel?
    • Your experience with acquiring and upgrading compasses.
    • How do the different difficulty levels feel?
    • How are the rewards overall and which do you like the most or least?

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