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Revisiting Diablo 1 Playthrough Part 6 – Going Caving

Diablo 1 cave levels beckon in this episode which means new monsters and new a new tileset. The Catacombs took longer than we’d expected but the dank stink of the caves was a breath of fresh air after the waves of goatmen.

Diablo 1 cave levels beckon in this episode which means new monsters and new a new tileset. The Catacombs took longer than we’d expected but the dank stink of the caves was a breath of fresh air after the waves of goatmen.

We missed posting part 5 of this Diablo 1 playthrough series which we have now included below in case you want to see it. We felt the Catacombs were going on forever and you want to see action not endless goatmen slaying.

Anyway, we pressed on and hit the caves where it was all starting to get a bit frantic. The deeper we went, the fruitier the language became.  Elly has now started to use the *bleep* censor noise during the editing process in the next few videos. Her language has started to deteriorate the deeper we have gone and the more disasters started to happen. You’ll find m0st of that flamboyant use of the English language as we reach Hell.

For now though, it’s the cave levels where we dodge around lava and try to trap as many enemy on the other side of it as possible. Don’t forget to whack that subscribe button on the Youtube channel. If you are enjoying these let us know and we may even start doing more PurePlays videos.

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