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New BattleNet Rolling Out

BattleNet has changed a lot since the early days of Diablo. Blizzard continues to update its community and game launch system and there’s a new version coming.


BattleNet has changed a lot since the early days of Diablo. Blizzard continues to update its community and game launch system and there’s a new version coming.

The new version of BattleNet doesn’t look too different at first glance, but according to Blizzard, these new improvements will be welcomed by players of Blizzard games. Updates include:

  • Improved navigation and layout—you can now favorite your games and arrange them for ease of access
  • A much more expansive layout for news and game content in full-page view
  • A revamped social pane so you can better see your friends and what they’re up to on each game tab
  • Major accessibility improvements—we’ve added the ability to navigate most of the app with your keyboard, increased our screen reader support, and improved the color contrast
  • A new, consolidated notifications hub for messages and download status

I am not someone that interacts with BattleNet much, it’s fundamentally a game launcher, but if you use it for social purposes then the changes should be noticeable.

The rollout of the new version will happen in stages with North America first in line to get the update. Assuming that all goes to plan, the new version will appear for other regions over the coming weeks.

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